16) The Goodbye

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"Hey cupcake." Daren smiled joining me on my walk. "Where you going?"

"To the football field to watch Isaac practice."


"We're going out afterwards." I shrugged.

"Wait so how'd the date go? I'm guessing good?"

"Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend." I smiled.

"Cool..." He cleared his throat. "Well I have an appointment so I'll see you around."

"Bye." I waved as he disappeared.

I walked over to the football field and saw Isaac sprinting and scoring a touchdown.

"Nice." I commented to myself.

He saw me and ran towards me grinning. I started running away when I realized he wasn't gonna stop running. But since he's an athlete he reached me and threw me over his shoulder.

"No Isaac!" I shrieked.

He laughed carrying me over to the field.

"Hey guys." He called the team over.

"Put me down." I groan.

"Alright alright." He put me down just as the team walked over. "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend."

"Hey what's up I'm Jared."

"Hey, I'm Jack."

"I'm Derek."

"Hey, Stiles, you remember me." He's my partner in class.

"I'm Liam."

"Hey guys, I'm Lena, nice to meet you." I smile at the guys.

"Alright, just sit right over there and enjoy the show." Isaac grinned before kissing my cheek and running off with the team.

"Aye aye sir." I salute and go over to the bench and plop down.

"So you're dating Isaac now." Stiles comments.

"Yes indeed." I nod.

"Cool, he seems to really like you."

"Good, cause I like him too."

"I'm still rooting for Daren." He shrugged.

"Oh god, not you too." I shook my head.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"Shouldn't you be practicing?" I asked.

"I am, I practice sitting the bench." He grinned. "Are you going to the after party tomorrow?"

"Uh I didn't know there was one, especially on a Wednesday."

"Yeah, when we win the game we're having a party, we party any day."

"When?" I tease.

"Yes when, not if , bear creek is weak. "


"Well, you're invited to the party. It's at Derek's house , it's gonna be glow in the dark.

"Sounds cool."

"Be there or be square."


"Well I gotta go, duty calls." He runs over to the field as Isaac joins me on the bench.

"How do I look?" He asks.

"Like a sweaty mess." I smile.

"Rude." He pouts.

"I'm gonna cut practice early today, pizza sound good?" He asks picking up his stuff.

"Perfect. " I smile.

"Great, I'm going to shower real quick, you're welcome to join." He winks.

"No thanks." I chuckle.

"Okay, I'll be out in a bit." He runs over to the boys locker room and I go and wait by his car.

I lay on the hood waiting for him to come back.

Then I get a call from my mom. Odd.


"Lena, we have to go."

"What are you talking about mom?" I asked.

"Your grandpa is in the hospital and we have to go visit him." She sniffles.

"Mom, I can't leave. If I do I won't be able to graduate." I sigh.

"Oh, it's okay we don't have to go."

"No mom, it's your dad. You have to be there. Go. I can handle myself. "

"I don't know. "

"Mom, I can handle myself. What am I gonna do? Sneak out with Drew and Maya? "

"That's true, ugh I trust you."

"How long are you going for?" I asked.

"I don't know, when I get there I'll talk to the doctors and see how bad it is."

"Okay mom, I'm here for you. Just call okay?"

"Okay baby."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too, see you in a few days I'm leaving for the airport right now. I'll call you tonight though."

"Okay mom have a safe flight. Goodbye."


Wow this sucks, I hope my Grandpa is okay.

"Who was that?" Isaac asked walking up to the car.

"My mom. She has to go visit my Grandpa in the hospital."

"Oh, I'm sorry babe."

"Thanks." He opens the car door for me and I slip in. "Can we just eat at my house? "

"Yeah sure, we can pick up a pizza on the way."

"Okay, sorry I just feel like chilling at home.

"But won't your mom say something when she gets back?"

"She won't be back for a while, trust me."

"Alright, buckle up. "

Hello guys,
What is up?the sky? Oh shit I never noticed. Anyways hello.

Kay, bye babes!!!

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