19) The Accident

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"Something's happened." He hangs up.

"What happened?" I had a bad feeling.

"Daren, he crashed his motorcycle, he's in the hospital."

I felt like my knees were going to give out, I grabbed ahold of Isaac, "we have to go to the hospital."

"Neither of us can drive."

"I'll call an uber or something." I start to head out.

"Lena, he's probably fine, he crashes his car all the time, anyways that's what he gets for driving while he's drunk."

"Are you serious? Do you hate your brother that much?"

"I don't hate him, he just hasn't proven himself to be anything other than a jerk."

"He's still your brother."

"Step." He emphasizes.

"Fine, you can stay. I'm going." I pull away from him and storm out.

I end up getting a ride from Stiles who was on his way out. "Thank you."

"No problem, keep me updated." He sends me a sad smile.

I rush into the hospital asking for Daren. I can tell the nurse was about to tell me she couldn't give out his information but the look on my face probably made her pity me.

"He's out of surgery, He'll be in room 423." She sent me a sad smile as I walked away.

God, I should have stopped him, I could have prevented this. He was obviously not sober enough to drive but I let him leave, it's my fault.

Once I arrived on the fourth floor my eyes scanned for his room number. As soon as my eyes caught sight of room 423 I froze. I had to take a few minutes to catch my breath. I finally brought myself to open the door and I sighed in relief, he wasn't a pile of mush so that's comforting.

He was asleep so I just sat by his bedside as I took in his injuries. He doesn't seem to have broken anything. He has a few scratches and some forming bruises that I can see.

"He's lucky." A sweet voice pointed out.

I looked towards the door and there stood the doctor.

"As far as we can tell he only has a few minor injuries, we did have to surgically remove some glass that had gotten stuck in his abdomen, but other than a few bruised ribs he should be fine." She examines him and takes her notes.

"Will he wake up soon?"

"It'll be a while but yes, he's still sedated from surgery."

"Thank you." The doctor nods before taking her clipboard and walking out.

I take Daren's hand in mine and gently caress it. "I'm going to beat your ass when you wake up." I chuckled nervously. "I thought- heh- I thought I might have lost you."

"You're so intelligent but god you are so stupid. What were you thinking? Drinking and driving isn't okay." I sent a quick text to Stiles.

I raise my hand to move his hair out of his face. Taking  a deep breath i laid my head by his and closed my eyes. "I'll be here when you wake up."

"What the-?" A sudden movement causes me to jump up. "Daren."

"Cupcake? What's going on?" He looked confused.

"You're stupid that's what." I cross my arms. "You crashed, while Intoxicated, and now you're in the hospital."

He was blinking obviously confused. "Last thing I remember was seeing you on the dance floor." He seemed to shudder. "Also I think we were talking?"

"Yes, we were." I shuffled awkwardly. "We can talk about that later though."

"Where is Isaac?" He questioned.

"Don't get me started on him." I huff.

"My dad?" He asked.

I gave him a sad smile, "haven't heard from him, sorry."

He shrugs it off, "It's fine, I don't expect anyone to show." He turns to me. "I'm just glad you're here." He smiles.

"Of course, you're my friend." I smile.

"There's that word." He seemed bothered.

"What's wrong?"

"Look Lena, I know this isn't the best timing but, you need to break up with Isaac, you deserve someone better then that dirtbag."

"What are you talking about? He's been nothing but nice to me."

"Too nice, don't you find it suspicious?"

"No, I don't." I cross my arms.

"He's playing you!" Daren tries to sit up but seems to be in pain.

"What do you mean he's playing me?" I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

"He's sleeping with Kirsten, god Lena are you blind?" He groaned frustrated.

"What? No he's not." I cross my arms angrily.

"Uh I live with him, I think I'd know." He retorted.

"Asshole." I mutter.

"Yeah, he is, that's what I've been trying to tell you. " he said exasperatedly.

"Not just him, you too." My chest tightened and I felt my anger boil. "You knew and you didn't tell me, what kind of a friend are you?"

"He threatened me, I don't know if you've ever been to military school, but it's not fun."

"I'm going to kill him." I simply said.

"That's the spirit." He joked.

"Oh I'm going to kill you too, but I'll wait until you heal." I glare.

"How are you not more upset?" He asked.

"We've only been dating for a few days, it's not like I loved him or anything. I'm just pissed that he was playing me."

"Lena, there's more." He looked up at me with soft eyes.

"The only reason he started dating you was because he knew I liked you."

"You what?" You froze.

"Elena Gomez, I am completely infatuated with you and your quirky attitude and I love how you just blurt out things with no control over it." He laughed softly at the end.

"Uh thanks?" I froze.

Hey guys,

Twice in one week? Gasp.

Kay, bye babes!!!

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