26) The Poker face

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I felt the sunshine on my face and I groaned. "No, not yet." I mumbled turning in my bed.

I heard a groan from beside me and my eyes opened. "Not my bed." I mumbled. I glanced over and saw Daren asleep. I smile feeling happy that he could finally fall asleep. I knew the tea would help. I mentally high five myself.

I slowly detached myself from him and got up walking to the door and peeking outside. The coast was clear so I snuck out and ran upstairs before my mother woke up. Just as I closed the door my mother knocked. "Lena, you don't want to be late for school." My eyes widened and I dove under the covers just as she opened the door. "Why are you still in bed?" she asked.

"Sorry, ill be right out." I sat up stretching.

She eyes me wearily. "Okay, don't take too long." she closes the door behind her and walks downstairs.

I let out a deep breath and get ready for school.

After I change I walk downstairs to meet my mother. "Are you heading to work?" I asked her.

She nods. "Yes, ill be back for lunch so I'll probably bring something for Daren." she smiled.

I grinned, "Really? That'd be great." I hugged her.

She smiled, "Okay, I have to go but behave. I'll see you later."

I nodded and waved as she walked out.

I walked over to the guest room and opened the door slowly. I smiled softly seeing Daren sleeping so peacefully. The way the sun hits him makes him seem even more perfect than before.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." his voice sounds out of nowhere.

I jumped. "Jesus, Daren. You scared me." I laughed.

He grinned and looks up at me. " It's not my fault you were being a creep and staring at me."

I laughed. "I am not a creep."

He smirked. "Are too."

"Am not." I walked over shoving his arm playfully.

He chuckled, "I'm kidding."

"I'm sorry I woke you." I sat at his bedside.

He shook his head. "Ah it's fine, I mostly woke up when you left a while ago."

"Well, at least the tea helped you sleep." I smiled softly.

"I doubt it was the tea." he chuckled handing me the cold cup of tea that was still as full as when I gave it to him.

I pouted. "You didn't drink the tea?" I set the cup aside.

He shook his head, " I didn't need to, I slept fine."

"Really? I thought you were having more trouble?" I asked.

"I guess having you here helped..." his cheeks slowly turned a crimson color.

I grinned. "really?"

He nods. "See, you help me a lot more than you think."

I grinned and kissed his forehead. "Good to know."

He chuckled. "Will I be seeing you for lunch today too?"

I shook my head. "No, but you will be seeing my mother. She's gonna stop by with some food for you."

He smiled. "That's nice of her, but why?"

"She's probably going to question you." I chuckled.

"Oh goodness, please no." he groaned.

"Sorry, bud can't help you there." I stood up grabbing my bag.

"Its fine, I might as well get to know my girlfriend's mother," he smirked.

I blushed, "Yeah, yeah." I glanced at the time. "Okay, I have to go before I'm late." I waved and walked out.


Once at school I made my way to my locker seeing Drew there.

Drew grinned. "Hey, missed you after lunch yesterday."

I chuckled. "Sorry, yesterday was sort of crazy." I opened my locker grabbing my binders.

"So I've heard." He nods. "Isaac is still talking shit."

"God, I still have to interview the football team about their upcoming game." I groaned closing my locker.

"I'll do it for you." He smiled softly. "you shouldn't have to be near that asshole."

I grinned. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Yes, now let's not mention this again. I'm not used to being nice." He chuckled.

"Thank you!" I hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome." He smiled hugging back.

"Okay, let's go before we're late." I pulled away.

He nods and we both hurry off to class.


D: oh gosh, I'm nervous. Your mom called saying she was on the way. Should I wear a suit? I feel like I need a suit. How much do you think she'll ask me? I'm freaking out Lena!!

I giggled reading his text message.

L: you'll be fine, you're very likable

D: oh gosh, she's here. SOS send help.

L: have fun

I chuckled putting my phone away. I think it's cute that he's nervous, but my mom loves him so I think he gets bonus points. I shake my thoughts away as I walk into the cafeteria. Okay, nice thoughts. No fights.

I got in the lunch line and ignored the whispers around me. They probably aren't about me, I'm just paranoid. I smiled at Alba. "Hey, how are you today?" I asked her.

"Eh, so so. How are you doing?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I'm fine. Hanging in there." I took my food. "thanks, I'll see you." I smiled and walked off.

I quickly found my lunch table and set my plate down. I went to take a seat without realizing that the chair was pulled out and I fell to my ass. I hit the ground with a groan as students snickered. "Ha Ha, very funny." I mumbled looking up and seeing Isaac standing there with a smirk on his face. "sorry, were you gonna use that chair?"

I pulled myself up and glared at him. "Thats okay, keep the chair. I know it's hard having to carry around your Ego all day." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the lunch room just as Drew and Mia walked in.

"Where are you go-" I cut them off with a raised hand.

"Not now." I walked past them and walked to the bathroom.

I paced in the small bathroom trying to calm down. "you're fine, you're fine." I mumbled to myself. "Murder doesn't look good on college applications."

In the midst of trying to calm myself I didn't notice the bathroom door open. "you okay?" Cam frowned.

I nodded. "fine, really. Just trying to calm down before I go over there and kill him." I growled the last part.

"Okay." She held my shoulders. "No killing."

I nodded. "Good idea."

"Look, Don't give them the satisfaction of winning. I say you go out there and show them you don't care. It's not fun messing with someone who doesn't react." She said.

I sighed. "I have a terrible poker face, they'll know it bothers me."

"Just think of something calming." She said.

"Calming?" I thought about it then I smiled as I thought of watching Netflix with Daren and snuggling when a sad part came up.

She grinned. "see? Looks like you found it."

I nodded. "okay, this plan of yours might work."

She smiled. "atta girl, now let's go." She offered an arm and led me out of the bathroom.

I got this.

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