31) The Next Morning

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The next morning I wake up to the sun light hitting my face. I groan and roll over feeling odd. I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my room. Suddenly I remember yesterday and a I feel a weight on my chest. I pick up my phone which is almost dead since I didn't bother to bring a charger.

I scroll through mindlessly trying to distract myself from the mess that is my life. Once I've had enough I roll out of bed and tidy up the room. I make a quick restroom break before I head to the kitchen where my father is reading the paper and having a drink of what I assume is coffee.

"Good morning sleepyhead." He smiles.

"Hello." I smile softly.

"I made coffee. Feel free to grab a cup." I shake my head. "it's fine, thank you."

He nods. "Very well, how'd you sleep?"

I take a seat across from him. "As good as expected. Yesterday was a hard day."

He nods. "So, I've been thinking about what you told me last night, and I have some insight maybe."

I lean forward in my chair. "I'm all ears."

"My first piece of advice, just swear off boys completely. Don't even look at them."

I laughed. "Of course."

"From What you told me yesterday I think Daren is scared."

"Daren? Sacred? Of what?"

"He's scared of how he feels about you. If what you told me is true then he's probably not used to people sticking around. His mother passed away right? Well he might think that if he loves you he'll lose you like he lost his mother. You said he seemed surprised by his own words when he said he loved you. He might be trying to protect himself from the pain of losing you like he lost his mother."

"Woah, how did you-"

"I took some classes." He shrugged.

"Well if what you're saying is true, then why did he have to be so mean? He lost me either way." I looked down at my hands feeling the sadness creep up on me again.

"I don't have all the answers unfortunately..." he placed his hand over mine.

"Thank you, for listening."

"I'm always here if you need me. And I'm sorry I wasn't before."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I should be heading back home now, I'm already in so much trouble."

He nods. "Come back any time."

I smiled and went to hug him. " I'll miss you."

"Me too sweetheart." He hugged me tight. "Here, I know the drive was long." He handed me some money.

"No, it's fine."

"Just take it, I owe you so much more than that."

"Thank you." I grabbed my things and walked to the door. "I guess I'll be seeing you."

"You will." He smiled.

"Say goodbye to the family."

He nods. "I will."

I waved and walked out ready to face my problems.

When I walked into my house I heard footsteps quickly approaching. "Elena!" My mother ran in wrapping her arms around me. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry ma, i was just feeling so lost." I felt tears in my eyes.

She rubbed my back. "I was so worried when the school called me saying you walked out. The I couldn't find you and then your father called..."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I pulled away. "I won't do it again."

"I know you won't." she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and wiped some tears from my cheeks. "You're grounded by the way." She kissed my forehead.

"I know." I groaned. "I'm going to go upstairs and sleep, is that okay?"

She nodded. "That's okay, but when you wake up, there's chores." She pinched my cheek and waved me upstairs.

I smiled softly and climbed the stairs ready to be in my own bed again. I opened my bedroom door and saw a figure sleeping on my bed. I dropped my things and closed the door. I walked over and poked him.

He groaned.

"wake up asshole." I poked him harder.

"Ouch." He groaned sitting up. "Lena?" His eyes lit up.

"That's me." I moved him aside and climbed into bed. "Whatever hurtful thing you've come to say, can it wait? I just want to sleep in my own bed."

"I'm not here to be mean, I was worried." His voice sounded sincere but I was exhausted from my drive and I could be imagining things.

"Sure you were." I grumbled and got into a comfortable position.

"Lena I'm trying to talk to you." He sounded slightly irritated but so was I, so get in line pal.

"Yeah, So was I yesterday but you clearly didn't want to talk." I sat up and looked at him.

He sighed. "I'm so sorry about yesterday, I wasn't in my right mind. I texted you, did you read the message?"

"No, I erased it ."

"You-" he sighed, "Okay, I deserved that I guess. I just want to clear the air."

"Look, You made yourself pretty clear yesterday." I glared at him.

He winced. "I didn't mean any of it."

"Why not? You were right. I was an idiot for thinking you wanted me. " my eyes watered.

"I do want you." His hand reached for me but I pulled away.

"All you wanted was to get laid, well guess what? It's not happening so why don't you save your breath and go find Tiffany, or cupcake or whatever it is you call all the girls who are dumb enough to fall for you."

"I shouldn't have called her that I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't care, Daren. I give up. You're just like your brother." I turned my back to him.

He stayed quiet. I felt him get off the bed and walk toward the window. "I am really sorry."

Once I knew he was gone I let the tears flow again. All the insight my father gave me couldn't make up for the awful things he said to me in that hallway. He wanted to hurt me, and he did. I can't forgive him, when I can't trust a word of what he's saying.

Maybe we're just better off as strangers.

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