20) The Picture

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"Thanks? That's all you could say? You're so stupid." Drew scolded me.

"Gee thanks, I think I noticed."

"But like, what did you do after saying thanks?" Maya asked.

"I ran away." I smiled sheepishly. Last night after he had confessed to liking me I froze and left. I felt like such an A-hole but I'm socially awkward.

Face palming, they both shook their heads, "You're an idiot."

"I didn't know what to say." I raised my hands in defense.

"Maybe something along the lines of, I like you too."

"I got nervous!" I groaned.

"I'm still going to kill Isaac." Maya crossed her arms.

"Same." Drew agreed.

"Guys honestly I don't care, I never really felt like we connected anyways."

"Still he's an A-hole."

"Maybe we can like key his car." Nate suggested.

"No, he'd probably get it fixed anyways."

"Ooh I got an idea! But we need Daren for this, so go apologize!!" Maya shoo'd me.

"Fine, bye." I waved as I headed towards the hospital.

I felt as nervous as I did when I first came to see him, except it felt more like butterflies than pain.

I knocked before I heard a muffled voice saying to come in.

"Hey." I awkwardly waved.

"Did you forget something?" He asked, avoiding my eye contact.

"Actually yeah," I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

He looked over curious. "Daren Grey, I am so amazed by what type of person you are, sure you're an asshole sometimes but behind that bad boy charm you're an amazing guy and a nerd who loves to watch supernatural and cook breakfast even thought it tastes horrible and I am utterly infatuated with you, simple as that."

"Simple as that?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yep." I shrug.

He grins and waves me over. "You're amazing." He pats the empty space next to him and I lay down with my head on his chest.

He takes a deep breath kissing my forehead, "God I hope this isn't a dream."

"It's not." I smile up at him.

"You're beautiful."

"And you're extremely cheesy." I crinkle my nose.

"You love my cheesiness." He teases.

"I do." I smile laying my head on his chest.

"What is this?!" Our attention goes towards Isaac who barged in.

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