15) The Note

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My eyes scanned the note over and over.

Will you be my girlfriend?

Yes|_| or No |_|

My first reaction was to burst out laughing.

"Um." He chuckled nervously. "What's so funny?"

"This is too cute." I smiled looking up at him.

"I get it, like it's cute but I only see you as a friend kind of way." He sighed.

I chuckled whispering into his ear, "do you have a pen?"

He pulled out a pen eyeing me confused.

"No peeking!" I laughed moving away from him.

I answered his note and walked back to him handing it over.

He smiled unfolding the paper and grinned once he saw my answer.

Yes duh!

He brings me in for a hug. "I was worried there for a minute."

"I'm sorry, I just thought it was really adorable." I smiled kissing his cheek as we pulled away.

"So, what would you like to do now? Girlfriend.." He teased.

"I could go for some ice cream, Boyfriend.." I teased back.

He nodded and took my hand leading me back to our stuff.

Now it's 1am and Maya and I are on skype with Drew discussing my date.

"Okay what else happened?" Maya and Drew were urging me for details.

"We just hung out and he was really the sweetest, I guess I was wrong about him."

"So you finally chose, team Issac." Drew pointed out.

"Damn, I was rooting for team Daren." Maya pouted.

"Nah, I never know with him. Sometimes he's cool, other times he's an asshole." I shrug.

"It's getting late, we should go to bed. We have school tomorrow." Drew pointed out.

"Ugh." Maya and I both groaned.

"Goodnight losers ." He smiled before hanging up.

"I guess I'll go to sleep too." I pouted.

"Yeah, you gotta look cute for you boo tomorrow."

"Ha, yeah right." I snorted wrapping the blankets around myself.


"Nighty night." I sang.

Tuesday morning I woke up to an annoying alarm. "Maya shut it off." I groaned.

"No, we must go to school."

"But I don't wanna." I whined.

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