21) The Guest

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After setting Daren up in the guest room downstairs, I headed to the kitchen to make us some dinner. I decided on making pasta since it was fairly simple to make.

"What're you making?" Daren popped up out of nowhere scaring the life out of me. I swatted his arm for catching me off guard. "Ouch." He laughed.

"I'm making pasta."  I glared at him, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Sounds delicious." He winked taking a seat on the barstool. "I could have made you dinner you know? For letting me stay here."

I laugh, "yeah right I kind of want to live, last time I let you cook I almost died."

He snorted, "oh come on it wasn't that bad. "

I chuckle, "okay fine I didn't almost die but still I think I prefer to do the cooking from now on."I glanced at him and smile softly before i continue stirring the pasta.

He huffed and crossed his arms pouting slightly. "Fine but you have to let me do something around here. I don't want to be a freeloader who just lays back and lets you do everything. "

"You're not, you're hurt so if you think I'm gonna let you do anything around here you are mistaken. Your only job is to get better. "I smiled at him and walked over kissing his cheek softly.

He grinned cheekily at me, "Ok maybe I can get used to that. "

I laughed and walked away towards the stove to finish the pasta. "I hope you don't burn the house down tomorrow while I'm at school." I said serving the plates. "Actually, I'm kind of jealous that you get to stay home while I go to school."

He smirked, "you know... You could stay home with me."

"I'm sure you'd like that, but I need to go to school to get your homework to make sure you don't fall behind this year. "

He pouted, "fine but just know that I'm going to be watching supernatural without you. "

I gasp exaggeratedly, "how dare you! I thought you were my fri-" I stop and stare at him. We never really talked about what we were. So I'm not sure if we're friends or more than friends or what. "Sorry."

He shook his head, "no don't be. I guess we never really talked about it or us. "

I blush and wave him over to the dinner table. I set a plate in front of him and one in front of me then I go get drinks and set them on the table.

He waddled over to the table and sat across from me. He took my hand in his and looked me in the eyes, "I don't know about you but I would really like to go out with you."

I smile nervously and looked him in the eyes, "really? You want to date me? "

He grinned, "yeah I'd really like to take you on a date and if you'll have me I'd like to be your boyfriend. " he blushed slightly.

"is the bad boy blushing? "I grin cheekily at him.

"Oh shut up don't ruin the moment. "He laughs.

I grinned and nod, "I'd be honored if you would be my boyfriend. "

"That settles it then, you are officially my girlfriend. "

I gasped and put my hand up to my chest, "I am the bad boys girlfriend? I will take this duty with honor!" I giggle.

"Shut up and eat your pasta, cupcake. " he grinned and ate a forkful of pasta, "wow this is actually delicious. "His eyes widened.

"That's because I actually know how to cook. "I stuck my tongue out at him then stuffed my mouth with pasta.

"You really have a smart mouth don't you.? "He pointed his fork at me accusingly.

I shrug and stuff more pasta in my mouth grinning.

He laughed and shook his head, "is it too late to take it back?"

I gasp and look at him, "oh no you didn't! "

He laughed, "I'm just kidding babe please don't kill me. "

I glared, "you better be mister, because there's no takeses backses." I pouted.

He grinned and he leaned over so his thumb could wipe a little bit of sauce off my cheek, "don't worry sweetheart I wouldn't give you up for the world. " he smiled adoringly.

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I have been really busy these past few months but I promise to write more frequently now that I am free. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm not really good at writing fluffy things so I hope this was good.

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