Chapter 9

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Mari's POV

I walked into the living room where Matt was playing one of our favorite games from our Smosh Games days. GTA 5. Even though there are 24 others(GTA-GTA 25), this one was always the best.
   "Hey honey". "Hey Mari". I sat down next to him and grabbed the controller. "Come on that's not fair" he complained. "That's life silly. Come get it". I got up and ran around the couch.
   Matt got up and started chasing me around the house. I then slipped into the storage closet where we keep all our other games as well as all the other controllers. The door also locks from the inside.
   "Fine you win this one. Come on Mari. Give it back". I looked over at the gaming rack. We had over 30 controllers, ranging from Xbox controllers to Wii controllers. I hid the one in my hand and unlocked the door.
   "Where did it go". I giggled and pointed to the pile. "It's in there somewhere. Go find it". After digging for a little bit, he finally found it. "Man how did you know which one it was". "The symbols aren't faded. Also, I wrote my name on this one see". I sighed and admitted defeat.

Lizzie's POV

My phone buzzed while I was drying the dishes. It sucks having the dishwasher break. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text Bella had sent me. I almost dropped my phone when I saw the picture that was in the text.
   "Aaron! Can you come here!" I yelled. "Did you get the same text" He asked, phone in hand. "Yes. What did she do to her hair". "Shh. It's ok. Calm down".
   I looked down at my phone again. The new short jagged blue hair worried me. It only worried me about what she would do in the future. "I don't like these girls Bella's hanging out with. They're turning her into something she's not".
   "Isn't Elizabeth part of the group? Your younger sister" Aaron pointed out. I nodded. Eileen turned my cute baby sister-adopted- into something she's not.
   "It's ok. We'll talk to her when she comes home tomorrow. I agree with you". I nodded again and he pulled me in for a hug.

Wes's POV

I pulled Clair in towards my chest during the movie we were watching. Halfway through, Maddie texted me saying she and Deanna wanted to come home.
   "Claire, I have to go get the girls". "Why? They aren't supposed to come home until tomorrow". "I don't know. Maddie just said that they wanted to come home". "Ok". I got up and grabbed my car keys. Kara lives a couple neighborhoods away, but with it being 10 o'clock, I'm not taking the chance of walking alone.
   5 minutes later, the twins slid into the back seat.
   "Can I ask why you wanted to come home" I asked either of them. "Deanna wasn't happy with what Eileen was doing to us, mainly Bella, so she said that she didn't want to be a part of the group anymore, and I agreed. So she kicked us out" Maddie explained.
   "What kind of things were they doing". "Well, Eileen likes to do makeovers for all of the new group members, and since Bella is the newest one, she got a complete makeover" Deanna said. "Yeah. First, they bleached and dyed her hair. And then tonight, Eileen took a pair of scissors and cut off Bella's hair, similar to what De's hair is like".
   Soon, we were almost home. "And after that, Eileen pulled out one of those do-it-yourself ear piercers and proceeded to pierce Bella's ears. That's when we had had enough" Deanna finished.
   I shook my head, making my hair flip. Does Kara know what Eileen is doing? "Well, I'm proud of you guys for standing up to her. I'm sorry that she kicked you out, but that's ok". The girls smiled and grabbed their overnight bags from Owen's booster seat. They them ran inside to get ready for bed.
   "Can I ask why they're home" Claire asked as I sat down on the couch. I then explained everything. By the end, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. "Does Kara know". I shrugged my shoulders. If she doesn't, I'm sure Lizzie or one of the girl's parents is going to tell her". She nodded and yawned, unpausing the movie.
   By the end, Claire had fallen asleep on my lap. I picked her up and carried her up to our room, kissing her on the forehead at the top of the stairs.

Kara's POV

Then morning after the sleepover, the girls came down the stairs, Eileen leading the group. When Bella walked into the kitchen, I almost passed out. When she came last night, her hair was just past her butt. Now, it was just above her shoulders, a beanie overtop the thick blue hair.
   I let it go, not worried about it. Maybe she decided to cut herself last night. Quentin then came in and grabbed two coffee mugs. I grabbed one of them and poured coffee into it. While I did, Lizzie called me.
   "Hey Liz. What's up". "Do you know about Bella". "What the short blue hair? Yeah, she just walked out of the kitchen. Why". "Did the girls do anything else to her". I almost freaked out. "The girls? As in Eileen, Elizabeth, and Shaylee". "Uh yeah. What other girls are there". "Not as far as I know. I just saw the short blue hair". "Ok. That's all I needed. Thanks for having her over". "Oh it's no problem. See you in an hour".
   I hung up and put my phone down. Is Lizzie trying to say that my daughter is trying to change Bella?

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