Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

Lexi walked into the room, game and hat in hand. "Oh no. Not this again. I agreed to come back for a video, but I didn't agree to dance" David complained. Kara laughed, knowing what was going to happen.
   "Alright we all know the rules. The two people with the lowest scores have to do the punishment dance. And for some, the dance is a little familiar" Lexi said with a smirk.
   Ciara and Wes set up the camera for their parents, with Wes's little boy, Owen, sitting on the floor next to Ciara.
   "GAMEBANG"! "Hey guys! Alright. It's time. You asked for it, we're giving it to you. We're bringing back Just Dance 4. But we couldn't do it alone. We brought in some friends" Lizzie explained. "Alright guys come on in" Drew called. The door opened and the group of eight walked in, Smosh merchandise on, whether it be a sweatshirt or a t-shirt or a tank-top.
   "Hey viewers! We're back" Mari exclaimed, clearly excited. Matt grabbed her by the waist and sat her down on his lap. Ian rode in on Anthony's back, a huge smile on his face. Josh, David, Wes and Flitz walked in, no wife or girlfriend to walk in with. Lizzie went to go sit down next to her dads, Kara went to go sit down with her dad, and Lexi sat next to her parents while the husbands stood off to the sides.
   "Alright. Let's grab the hat and start it off. Some of the people here have backed out of today's gamebang, so the husbands are going to go sit with my kids, who are off screen. Which leaves us with the new girls, Marhinki, Ianthony, and Lasershire. All separate dances by the way. All right. Who wants to go first" Lexi said.  "I will go. Aww come on. Some times I hate you. We No Speak Americano" David complained. The group laughed.
   "Well you agreed to make the drive down here. And now you have to do it". He rolled his eyes. "If this leads to another Iancorn dance, you are so dead". The off-screen audience laughed.
   The final score was 7620. "Who's next". "Let's do this" Josh said. He put his hand into the hat and pulled out a song. "It's a classic. Call Me Maybe". The group laughed. Everyone knew that Josh was known for loving Call Me Maybe, as well as DC comics.
   "Final score 8403. Lexi your up". Lexi reached her hand into the hat and pulled out one of her favorite songs. "What Makes You Beautiful by the gorgeously handsome One Direction(I did have to google the song list for the game. I know about some of the songs, but not all of them)".
   The final score came out to be 10564. After the rest of the group finished up(sorry guys. I wanted to add all of the scores, but that would take so much time. My thumbs can only do so much!), the bottom two scores turned out to be David and Ian.
   "Alright. Now if the fans would like a bedtime story, 36 years ago, during the first Just Dance Gamebang, dear Ian and Lasercorn had lost and had to do the punishment dance, resulting in the fandom we now know and love as Iancorn. And the punishment dance is I've Had the Time of My Life". The whole group except for the losers cheered. "You know, your lucky I love you, because otherwise you would be dead" David complained.
   The dance starts and it looked like it was going to be a repeat of the infamous dance. Wes and Ciara started giggling because they had seen the original video umpteen thousand times. And to see it again was awesome.
   "I don't know which dance us better. The original one before you were married, or this one, knowing your spouses will watch the video" Anthony asked. "I think this one's better" Mari said laughing.
   At the end of the dance, Ian tried to run into David's arms and be shot into the air, but that didn't really happen.
   "Alright guys. Thanks for watching. And thanks to the original guys for coming down. See you guys later". The camera was turned off and the gang started to say goodbye.
   "Bye Dad. Come back soon ok? Eileen would be thrilled". "I will sweetheart". He pulled her in for one final hug.
   "Alright Dad" Lizzie said. "Which one" Ian and Anthony joked. "Both of you. You have to come over to my home sometime soon. Bella would be happy to see you. And I want to see my sisters". "I think we can make that happen" Ian said. "I love you".
   "Bye Mom. Bye Dad" Lexi said. "Don't wait two months to see us again. We enjoy seeing the kids" Matt said. Lexi nodded, pulling her parents in for a hug.
   "Bye guys. Erin's going to wonder what happened to me". "Alright. Bye Josh". "I should probably get going too. Claire's gonna start to worry" Wes said as he went to go grab Owen.
   The group parted and went their separate ways. "Thanks for letting us come today Mom" Ciara said while they were walking back to their car. "No problem. And your always welcome anytime".

A/N: Hey Cuties! What did you think? I wanted to write out all the scores, but like I said, my thumbs can only do so much before they fall off. Next chapter, I will focus on the kids more, just for you guys. I want to thank all of you for almost 500 reads. I know this was popular, but not that much. I also want to say thank you for your support with my surgery. I have found a different cord for my phone, so I may be able to write while I recover. If I'm not in too much pain. Thank you guys so much for all the happy comments(except for one from Flamingorocker. I wouldn't have been able to plug my phone in with my old cord!). Sorry. I had to rant. Thanks guys, and I'll talk to you guys soon! Dinocutie22

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