Chapter two

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I took a step into the classroom. There was many faces glazing at me. My home room teacher, Mr Moran, was also looking in my direction. "Miss Johnson?" He questioned me. I nodded and he smiled grandly too the classroom. "Class! This is your new student. Her name is Adrianna!" His voice boomed across the room. I covered my face with my side swooping bangs.

I slide into the only open desk beside a boy. He had short blonde hair, wore a blank white polo shirt and khakis. Mr Moran began with attendance. As he went down the list, more people's attention were being lost. Mine was one of them. As i was just finishing up a sketch on my binder, the bell rung. My next class was math.

Walking down the cramped hallways were.. Overrated. The sound of people talking and shoes hitting the fake tile flooring were taking over my thoughts. I eventually found the math room. Inside I immediately made eye contact with Kendall. I walked over too the open spot beside her. She giggled and I turned too her. "Kenny!" She hugged me. I finally wasn't surrounded by people I don't know.

The classes went by very fast. It was now the last period of the day. I had English and I ended up being the first one there. The teacher sat at his desk.

There was a name tag lying on his desk so I checked it as I went by. 'Mr Lawley.' I took a seat closer too the back. As I took the seat, his eyes looked up from his page and towards me. I noticed his appearance, was abnormal for a teaching environment. He was like the math teacher. He was wearing a pair of khakis and a light blue dress shirt. The sleeves were rolled up too his mid arm and he had tattoos all down the one side. His tie was placed directly in the middle of his shirt, falling down too his mid stomach. His nose was pierced and he wore glasses. Big nerdy glasses.

Most of my previous teachers have glasses too but his stuck out too me. His eyes glistened as the front set of lights switched on. "You are new." His voice raspy and deep. I nodded.

"Miss Johnson?" "One of the four." He smiled at the ground. "I'm Adrianna." "That's a very beautiful name." Did he? He just complemented me. We continued to just look at each other until other kids filled the classroom.

Mr Lawley was half way through the lesson when the door was pulled open and three girls came marching in. None of them were wearing the supplied uniforms. The one closest to me was a light brunette. She wore a skin tight shirt and a pair of booty shorts. The one in the middle was a dark brunette. She was wearing a crop top and a smaller pair of booty shorts. Then the one on the far side was a light brunette also. She was wearing a skintight dress with the grey cardigan that went with the uniform.

"Miss Halloway, Miss Audrey and Miss Maria, please take a seat. You ladies will be stuck in detention with Mr Moran after school because of your failure too show up on time." The one closes too me got closer too Mr Lawley.

"I'll only show up if you are the one on duty." For some strange reason that pissed me off. "Please take your seat." Mr Lawley demanded patiently. "Oh come on Mr Lawley. Please be the man on duty." She pouted. That pissed me off even more. Before I could stop my self I stood up.

"Leave him alone and take a seat you fucking slut." Everyone gasp. I couldn't believe I just did that.. I was the shy one.. What was happening too me. I saw all three of them give me an evil stare. "You girls have detention with Mr Moran. That's finale. Miss Johnson. I will talk too you in the hallway." He looked my way. I groaned and dragged myself toward the door. Once we were out in the hallway, he shut the door and pulled me away from it.

"What were you doing back in there?" His tone wasn't angry, more confused. "I don't know... I just.. Nobody would do anything because you couldn't.. I wanted to defend you and I don't even know why." I sigh and looked at the fake tile on the ground. "Adrianna. You aren't in trouble." He took off his glasses and rubbed in between his two eyes. "But, I'll have too give you some kind of punishment. It's only fair. How about you stay after school tomorrow and help clean the room up."

"That's fair." I looked up into his eyes. He smirked and put his glasses back on. "Let's go." He opened the door for me and the whole class went silent. I walked back too my seat and frowned acting like I got in some big trouble. Everyone soon began to talk away and Mr Lawley continued teaching. When the class ended I left first. These girls were going too kill me. I needed to get away. I didn't get a locker until tomorrow so I rushed off outside and saw dads Cadillac. I quickly got into the front seat. When I slammed the door I began gasping for air. "Running from someone?" He joked. Little did he actually know. Finally, all three girls got here and we sped off home.. My first day has been.. Productive.

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