Chapter eight

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My hand trembled. Today was Monday and I was in the middle of taking an English test. I hated test. They always stressed me out and messed with me physically. All my sisters were straight A students.. But I was not, I was more of a B+ kind of girl.. I could.. Never be good enough for my parents...

I continued working on the piece of paper, selecting random answers. I had no clue what any of these meant. I know I should of paid attention. I ran my fingers through my blonde locks and wished for the torture to end. Just then, the first bell rang, letting me get up and hand the incomplete test in.

Music was next. I stood outside the steel door, with the rest of my classmates. You could hear the whispered mumbles of people in there. I already had an idea who was there. The second door shut when Mr Moran opened the normal door.

"Good Afternoon students!"
His voice cause a few to jump. He looked down at me and then let us in. He rambled for the longest time, until he was asked about romantic music. This is where he pause. "Love songs are the best. When you find that somebody, love songs don't suck anymore. You can relate to them at that point in your life. It's a beautiful thing to be inlove."

A few kids put their hands in the air. "Mr Moran?" One called. I looked around to see if Aracely had snuck back into the classroom. "Yes Gregory?" He waited for the kid to as his question. "Do you love somebody." Just then Aracely burst in through the door. "Sorry I'm late." She walked close to Mr Moran, giving him a late slip. "Take a seat please." He ordered. She did and he looked around at the class. "I suppose I'm deeply inlove with this woman. She is perfect. Brunette hair and plump brown eyes. Her personality has broken my scale." The girls all went 'awh.' As I looked over at Aracely she was blushing.

I just pushed my lips together to form a smile. She was happy with him and he was happy with her. I was just in the thought of love. The bell rung and I was going out to lunch. We all met down in the abandon room, it kinda was our room now. Aracely and Mr Moran came down last. They were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. He's probably going to get some after school because of that speech in class.

We all were talking and stuff for a good while until the bell rung. Kendall and I had math next together. We separated and met back up in math. It was a long rest of the day. Time seemed to pass slow. I had to stay after class for another 2 weeks. It was better then detention I guess.

I walked in the room and saw Mr Lawley sitting at his desk. "Still mad at me?" I asked as I began picking a paper off the floor. "Nope. Why would I be mad?" "I don't know. Honestly. I don't." I laughed. He didn't say anything. I began swiping the white board printing away off it. I just finishing when he spoke. "Didn't do well on your test I see." I could feel his stare on me. "Nope, guess not." "Do you want to get a higher grade?" "How?" We both were now staring at each other. "Shut the door. And lock it." He demanded. I obeyed his wishes.

"Now. How can I get extra marks?" I took a seat on his desk. He stood up and got really close to me. His forehead was against mine and his glasses were hanging on. He managed to get in between my legs and now not even an inch between us. His lips latched against mine pulling us even closer then before, if that was possible. I went along because something felt just right. As I felt his lips leave mine I questioned him. He looked down at his pants, I knew exactly what he wanted. "Do you ask all you girl students to blow you for better marks?" I crossed my arms across my chest. "Nope. Your the only one." I raised my eyebrow. I actually believed him...

"I can give you an A+." He smirked, knowing that I was a B+ student. "Fine." I groaned. I needed this mark. He winked at me and his lips pounced at mine. They moved in sync with each other. He pulled me off the desk and carried me until I was against a wall. His tongue explored my mouth. I pulled away and his lips connected with my neck. He sucked at my sweet spot causing me to release a small moan. He pulled away. "We need to be quiet." I obeyed and pushed him down into his chair. I got on my knees in front of him. He was wearing khakis. As his zipper was coming down, a knock on the door stopped me.

"Go pretend your cleaning the desk." I grabbed a rag off his desk and rose. He ran to the door and opened it. "Oh hello?" He was confused. "Is my daughter in here?" It was my dad. I gasped and he looked in passed Mr Lawley. "Adrianna!" "Dad..." He pushed passed my teacher and came towards me. I saw Mr Lawley's face.. It was a mix of terror and curiosity. "Your mom said you were stuck cleaning classrooms for 3 weeks?" He looked down at me.

I nodded and he rolled his eyes. "Why?" "Because I got in a fight."
"Adrianna Marie!" He was now angry. "Can we discuss this at home?" I asked him on the lowkey. "I guess." He angrily sigh. "And what is that? That wasn't there this morning." I pointed to the spot on my neck where Mr Lawley was sucking on. He gave me a hickey. "Uh.. I got in a fight, I guess you don't pay attention to things like that.." He just rolled his eyes. "When do you get out of here?" "20 minutes." "Okay. I'll pick you up." He groaned and left passed Mr Lawley. "Doesn't pay attention to you?" I heard a chuckle arise from the teacher standing in the door. "What the fuck was I suppose to say? Oh yeah, I was going to mouth fuck my teachers dick before you got here?" He wasn't laughing anymore. "Fair enough." He began to close the door again.

His hand messed with the knob as he closed it. He got closer to me against. "Let's continue?" I rolled my eyes and brought him back to his chair. He took a seat and I unbuttoned his khakis. Pulling down his pants, his erection sprung up from his boxers. I pulled out his erection out of his boxers and began to stroke it.


Hello everyone.
I'm starting school on Tuesday, so I might not be updating as often. I'm sorry, but I'll try and update as much as I can.

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