chapter twenty

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The creaking of the floorboard from the hall distanced me from sleep. Sam lied beside me, being a big spoon in our spooning session. He was already dead asleep and snoring like a grizzly. Chatting from the distant rooms grew louder with laughter. Kian and Adrianna had some friends over, and they were loud. I decided not to participate in the whole 'party' themed night, and Sam agreed to stay with me. More chatter grew louder as the voices got closer and then distant again. Soon the voices were not existing and I had some peace. I tried to fall into a slumber, but something was bothering me. I managed to slip through Sams arms and out onto the floor. I headed out, thinking a late night snack might help, but as soon as I entered the corridor, muffled moans and hushed screams hit me like a silent train. I got closer to Adrianna's door. "Ki-ian." Adrianna let out a blocked moan. I realized that they were doing the nasty and calmly backed away and raced to the kitchen. That was gross. I pushed my weight against the counter and closed my eyes. I gently stood straight and headed toward the large LG fridge. My eyelids blinded me and I grabbed a hold of the metallic handle of the refrigerator. Light opened up on me, causing my eyes to flicker open and examine the food options. I grabbed the carton of milk and an egg. I skimmed my fingers against the marble countertops all the way to the cupboard where the pancake mix remained. I grabbed it and made a master chef breakfast for myself and the rest o this crazy household.

After Sam and I demolishing our food, I couldn't help but ask Sam a question I've been dying to know. "How did she find my house?" I asked, wondering about the whole Jessica incident yesterday. At first he didn't catch on but soon got what I meant. His shoulders flew up into a shrug. "She is a creep. That's why she is my ex." He pounced ex for a long time. I nodded. "Okay, I was just wondering since she kinda just invited herself in my home." I said very unimpressed with the whole past day. "Don't worry about her baby girl." His words caressed my stomach causing a queasy movement twist through my tummy. "I love you. I love you so fucking much. It's sickening thinking about you with someone other than me." His rant began. "You are my world and for the little time I have known you, I've never been happier and for once, I'm being real with love. I let it take control of me and I actually fell for a beautiful brunette with large blue eyes that sparkle when you smile." I stood close to him. His eyes glowed even if they were brown. I plunged my lips upon his. My hand fell on to his cheek as his lips adjusted to the passion filled kiss. This time I felt it. I felt the sparks flying through my body. He is the one I want to be with. He is the one I love. After pulling away, I grabbed him into a hug, listening to his heart beat slow and steady. "I love you too. You are the only thing I need." I held on tight.

The sound of coughing in the door consciously pulled him away. "Lovebirds." Adrianna mocked and went to the fridge to grab a yogurt. "Screw you." I rolled my eyes. Kian came down seconds later, grinning like a piece of shit. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine." Sam chuckled at Kian's stupid smile. He ignore this best friend and stood behind Adrianna, wrapping his long arms around her waist. We all were having a great time until the door rung. I got up and answered it. Two large men in suits stood at the door. "Good afternoon ma'm." One said. "Afternoon?" I replied. "May we speak to Mr Pottorff and Mr Lawley." The other ones low voice boomed. "Uh.. They aren't here." "Ma'm, If you don't turn them in we will arrest you for holding sex offenders under your household." I chocked. "Sex offenders?? How?" I asked sassily. "They have been having sex with their students, and I know for a fact Ms Johnson, you are one of them." I stood still. "Ms Johnson, please. These men need to be locked up." The other one looked at me stern. "Sir, I think you need to have proof of that." I glared. They stopped and looked at each other. "We must take them for polygraphs and then we will know." My eyes froze in space. "Come in." I let them into my house. I stood in the same place. I heard the whole conversation.

They left in handcuffs and my heart broke. I felt sick. After leaving in a dusty black van, a convertible pulled up and who stood out from it wasn't a surprise. Danielle. "Hey girls. No more teacher boyfriends. I wonder who ratted." Her voice cackled a laugh. "You're kidding me right?" Adrianna walked past me. "You're ugly ass couldn't get them so you ratted? You are a fucking snake." Danielle was astonished for a quick second. "Excuse me. Adrianna. Sweetie." "Don't call me sweetie." She growled. "Honey. Please, your boy toy won't get arrested. Not if he does what I ask, I mean my daddy is the Sheriff." Adrianna cracked. "Fuck you. I cant honestly believe that you fucking would do something like that. You are so fucking petty you dumb bitch." Adrianna was now getting to close for my liking. "Adriee, Calm down." I warned her. "No. Stay out of this. The boy I love might get arrested because some slut didn't get her way." Adrianna slack back harshly. Before I could do anything, Danielle was on the ground and my sister was beating the shit out of her.


I needed to update so I did.
For the longest time I didn't know how to write this chapter but I guess I got some creative flow tonight?
I love you guys!!!
Almost 2k :)

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