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The next morning I needed to run a few errands before going to the local hospital to check the schedule for Malachi's dialysis and meet his temporary consultant.

In our home town, Malachi's medical team were fantastic. They knew us well and were great with him. We were lucky enough to have the same consultant throughout the whole of the last six years. All the time Malachi could remember he had the same person in charge of his care. That was a rarity these days.

I had asked them to telephone through to the local hospital here to make sure they knew about all his treatments and what we were trying to achieve. I was anxious about handing over his care to a team I hadn't met, even when his consultant assured me they were very capable.

Looking in the kitchen cupboards there was very little food in the house, I had to get some suitable shopping in. Thinking about food  I realised I was starving.

I gave Malachi his breakfast and hearing a knock, opened the front door to Auntie Cam. Now in her mid fifties she was more grey than dark haired. She had visited a lot while we were away and apart from my parents was the only other adult Malachi spent any real time with apart from his medical staff. She was good with him and was always interested in his decline and how we were going to try and help.

Malachi adored her.I did too.

I hugged her as she came through the door. Holding her tight it was so great to have her here now.

"Welcome home darling" she said hugging me back.

She looked around the hallway and I realised this was the first time in about eight years she had been here. The last time he had been in this house my parents were alive and I hadn't had Malachi yet.

"Weird eh?" I said to her, I sympathised it was weird to me too.

"Very, I still can't believe they are gone. I'm half expecting your mum to shout through for us to go and sit down for tea and a slice of Battenberg"

We both laughed. A happy memory. I had forgotten those existed when it came to this house and my parents. After I told them I was pregnant everything was so strained. My last moments here were times I would rather forget. For a long time after we left we  hardly spoke to one another and if we did it was usually to discuss an appointment. I believe if it wasn't for Aunt Cam talking to me and helping me come to terms with what was happening we may have never had any type of relationship ever again.

"She was sorry you know"Cam shared with me. I could see she was treading carefully.

"I know" I told Cam truthfully. I knew my mother regretted making me leave but when she did she truly thought it was the best decision. I'm just not sure she knew whether it was the best decision for her or me.

I wasn't about to start a discussion about my parents, things were upsetting and stressful enough. Cam understood that.

"You ready to go do what you have too" Cam said expectantly.

"Yes" I told her "but that doesn't include seeing Sol today"

I didn't want her to get her expectations up about that today. I had no intentions of visiting that ghost right now. Knowing she wanted me to see him as soon as possible added to the pressure.

I started to walk into the front room where Malachi was playing his football game on his Playstation.

Sat on the sofa with his face firmly stuck in the direction of the television, he had his hand securely wrapped around the Playstation remote pressing buttons frantically.

"Be good for Auntie Cam, ok monster?"

No answer. Knowing he heard what I said but couldn't divert his attention away for long enough to respond I went over to him and kissed him on his head.

A Mothers Sacrifice #Wattys2017 COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now