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It hurt to move, my eyes were heavy and I wasn't aware of where I was.

Flashes and random images went through my head and I winced.

Everything hurt. I felt like I could feel every muscle, bone in my body and they all hurt.

I went to sit up to see where I was but I couldn't move.

I tried to talk. My voice was all croaky and my throat was dry and gravelly.

'Hello' I called out croakily.

At first no one came, but within a few minutes I could hear someone at my feet end of the room.

I couldn't even see properly, the light in the room was bright and it hurt my eyes.

'Hello?' I asked aloud again.

'Farah, don't try and get up you have been in an accident'

The flashes in my head started to make sense. I remembered the cinema and eating pizza...

'Malachi, where is my son? I must go to my son'

I tried getting up off the bed I managed to sit myself up but the pain was excruciating, my head pounded.

'Please Farah you need to be careful, you hit your head and...'

I was in fact in the hospital. The stark walls and bright lights hurt my head even more. Putting a hand to my left temple I winced with the pain.

'Malachi is in good hands he is on the children's ward not very far away. His father is with him'

He was alive. I started to cry, the relief. My boy was alive.

'Cam? She was driving she fell ill..pains in her chest' I explained.

'Yes she had a heart attack, but she was operated on late last night and she has stents put into her heart. We believe she will make a full recovery'

Oh my.. I can't believe this. Poor Cam. To my knowledge she has never had any heart problems.

Not that we spent much time talking about her, I thought guiltily. She was always on hand to help me I didn't even think she may be unwell or stressed.

'I have to see my son, I have to see him' I told the nurse desperately.

'I know you want to be with him but you have had some nasty injuries and have only just regained conciousness. You got off lightly however, the doctors have said you must have been either asleep in the passenger seat or extremely lucky'

I wanted to laugh. I didn't feel too lucky right now. My head felt like it was going to explode with any sudden movement and  other parts of my body were not complying with the signals I was trying to send.

'Look I don't think you do understand, my son is poorly he has PKD and is awaiting a transplant'

I explained to her.

'I have to see him I can't be away from him I need to know he is OK, PLEASE!'

Tears started to drop from my eyes, my body started to wrack with sobs. It hurt so much but I couldn't stop I was desperate to be with him.

The nurse stopped what she was doing and came over the the side of my bed. She rested a hand on my shoulder and tried to soothe me.

'Look I understand I have children of my own, give me a few minutes I will see if I can clear it with the consultant to wheel you down to check in with your sons care team'

I nodded I was grateful.

My legs felt like they didn't belong to me, I gingerly pulled myself up into a seated position. The world swam as I did so. I steadied myself, reaching down carefully to the bed covers I moved them off.

A Mothers Sacrifice #Wattys2017 COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now