Chapter 16: The Silent Banshee

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Evelyn's POV

I felt tears running down my cheeks. I had no idea what was happening. Thoughts jumbled around in my head. What's a silent banshee? How am I one?

"Scott will find me." I said more for myself then annoying Void Stiles. He just laughed.

"You see Scott and everyone will be here but they won't be saving you. You see Lydia is also here, but she doesn't know that you are. Scott and his pack already know where we are at. They are waiting to save Lydia. As for you" -a devilish smile appeared on his face once again- "Scott thinks that you've just run off and that your still mad at him. He won't realize your here."

I felt even more panic rush through me. Void Stiles just laughed. "I can feel your pain and your panic" -he laughed- "I will be back right before your cousin gets here, but for right now I'm going to go and check on on our other guest. You just stay put." He then walked away. I heard the crash of a door.

I wondered around a bit, looking for a way out. Everything was Stone and dirt, long hallways strechted everywhere, it seemed easy to get lost. But, eventually I came to a metal bar door. On the other side I saw my jacket; my phone sticking out of its pocket. Quickly, I shoved my hand through the door and grabbed it. I headed away from the door just in case he came back. I fumbled with my phone a bit and dialed Scott's number.

"-lyn! Eve- ere are -?" His voice was cutting out but I knew he was asking where I was. Just as I was about to answer I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and my phone was taken away. I saw heard the phone hang up on Scott. The hand was removed from my mouth as I was whipped around to face the nogitsune.

"Aren't you a clever one." His bone chilling voice asked. "To bad it didn't work. But as promised I'm back and I'm feeling hungry." He said. I was absolutely terrified. His hand reached to the side of my face. I let out a scream but it was silent as it has been in my dreams. The words silent banshee rang through my head. I saw black veins crawling up his arm.

I felt the pain expand around my whole body; the next instant it was gone and he wasn't holding onto me anymore. I felt myself collapse, yet I never hit the ground. I was being held up by him. I tried to struggle, but I was too weak. He set me down on the ground with my back against the wall

"You freinds are here. I need you to stay put while I deal with them. And don't even think about trying to escape, because you won't." He warned. Slowly he stood up and walked away.


I sat there and focused as best as I could. I knew there was a fight going on but I didn't know who was winning. I felt useless as I sat there on the dirty stone floor. Thoughts started running through my head. Scott was a werewolf? Lydia is a banshee? I'm a silent banshee? Eventually everything became silent as garners crept around the corners of my eyes.


I was standing in some court yard. I saw Issac with a horrified look on his face, Kira and her mom with the same expression, and Scott was on the ground with Allison in his arms. My mind flashed back to when he was telling me about him and her dating. I noticed a dark liquid coming from Allison's pale body. I felt myself cry because I knew what was happening.

Allison was dying. I could hear nothing at all. I saw Scott teary eyed as he talked to her, holding her hand. Allison still loved him, you can tell. I walked over to them and sat beside Scott. I know he can't hear me or feel me but I want to be here. They stared into each others eyes, having their last conversation with each other.

Allison's body went limp. I heard a muffled scream and some how I knew it belonged to Lydia. I started to sob, Scott hugged her limp body crying. I let out another silent scream, I noticed Allison's father come running in. Darkness surrounded me once again.


I woke up sitting against the same wall, my hands weren't tied anymore. I wiped my eyes, trying to clear the tears.

I heard footsteps approaching me, so I stood up ready to run somewhere. Stiles came into my veiw, well the nogitsune.

"Your cousin is very worried." He said. "He keeps on calling you and so does your boyfriend." I froze at boyfriend. Did he mean Stiles?

"Too bad they won't ever see you again." He replied with a laugh. Tears built up, ready to spill.

"Your not going to win." I replied. Within seconds I was pinned up against the wall, arms above my head.

"Oh, my dear Evelyn I've already won." He explained. "I hid your jacket in the woods and now Scott's going to find it there."

Scott's POV

I told the police what Argent told me to tell them. I was now home. I couldn't stop thinking about Allison. She was my first love and she died in my arms. She was gone just like that. I wanted to talk to Evelyn. I should have told her, if I did then I wouldn't be worrying. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my phone. I quickly grabbed it, but when I checked it there was no news of Evelyn.

I walked over to her room and I saw she wasn't there. On her bed was a stack of papers. I looked at them, they were drawings. Slowly I looked through them. I saw Malia, a red eye, the power plant station, and several of the oni. I saw Stiles sitting on the nematon. Did she draw these? I questioned. I was worried, that's how she knew something was up. So the real question is where did she go and why isn't she back yet?

I had enough of this so I tried calling her one more time. It rung but she must have declined it. Not even a minute after she was calling me back. I answered the phone.

"Evelyn?!" I asked no response. I heard the wind blowing. Where was she?

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