Chapter 18: The Confession

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Scott's POV

I'm constantly freaking out. What if the nogitsune hurts her; if he hurts her I won't be able to forgive myself. I should have stopped her before she ran out. I could have prevented this. But I didn't.

"Scott?" Stiles broke me from my worrying.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You don't think that he actually hurt her do you?" Stiles questioned. I know he likes her. He has had a crush on her before he had one on Lydia. And I'm sure that was just a distraction so he would stop thinking about Evelyn.

"I'm not sure." I said in complete honesty. "Don't blame yourself. Ok? Evelyn's smart, she probably knows it's not you. And when we find her I think we owe her an explanation." I said. Stiles nodded in agreement.

"I just hope she's ok."

Evelyn's POV

I woke up and noticed I was in the school basement. The nogitsune was no where in sight, I was left, stuck in this dirty basement. I stood up, maybe I could find a way out of here. A chill ran through my body, I attempted to warm myself up by pulling the flannel shirt I had on tighter around me. Footsteps echoed off the walls, approaching me quite fast. The nogitsune came in to veiw. Almost immediately a combination of panic and fear set in.

"W-what do you want?" I asked in a shaky voice. I'm not gonna lie, I was terrified. His skin was paler, the bags under his eyes were darker, and his grin was pure evil. I started to back up, but as I backed up, he came closer. Each step he took set more fear into me.

"We are so close to victory. I've got the hospital, the sheriff's station, and the animal clinic. I've captured all of them." He said. My back collided with a wall. Quickly, I ran to the side. I needed to get away.

"My dear Evelyn, nobody is going to save you. Just because they know your with me"- he paused as he caught up to me. He then leaned down and whispered in my ear- "doesn't mean they are gonna get you."

I took off running. I didn't know where I was going but I ran up a set of stairs and made it to one of the main hall ways.

"Evelyn." His voice rung out through the hallways. I kept on running. I looked behind me as I ran into something when I faced front my eyes met the nogitsune's. I jumped as I ran the other way. This time I was blocked off by two mysterious figures. They were cloaked in black, carried swords, and wore masks, the same ones in my drawings. I let out a small yell.

Before I had time to process it I hurried and turned the other way. The hallways were dark. Shadows crept along the walls, suffocating the entire place in a dreaded darkness.

"Evelyn you know you can't hide from me." The voice rung out. The hallways seemed like they were getting darker; footsteps that didn't belong to me echoed down the halls. I looked around for somewhere to hide. I saw the janitors closet, so I took a chance. I went inside and latched the door. I tried to calm myself down yet I couldn't.

"Come on now. Evelyn, you can't be that stupid to hide in a room with no other way out." A voice said from behind me. I let out a small yelp as I turned, swinging my arm out of reflex. As the light came on felt my hand collide with something. A feeling of regret and fear filled my whole body. I looked up to see his face looking to the side. An evil laugh erupted from him.

In an instant he grabbed my wrist. I tried struggled so I could get away but I couldn't break the grasp he had on me. He pulled me back down to the basment.

When we got back down there he forced me back against a wall. He boxed me in as he stared into my eyes.

He reached his one hand up to the side of my face, I flinched waiting for him to feed but all he did was push some hair out of my face. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Don't cry Evelyn, soon you won't be afraid." He said in an assuring voice. I didn't trust him. He slowly grabbed each of my hands and held them together as he bound them.

Stiles's POV

Scott, Lydia, Kira, and I were heading down to the school right now. I could tell Scott was freaking out, we all were. I've caused so much pain and death, I don't care what happens we need to kill the other me and save Evelyn.

I need her to be ok. I need her to. I don't know how but she came into my mind and talked to me. I remeber kissing her. I hoped it was all real and it wasn't the nogitsune playing tricks on me. I forgot how much I used to love her, I still do.

I've always loved her, I just never knew.

Once again I really hope you guys are enjoying this!

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