Chalter 17: On the Move

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Evelyn's POV

"How is that going to do anything?" I questioned. I felt uncomfortable. Only one of his hands was holding both of mine above me.

"Well you see werewolves can track by sent. Your jacket had your sent on it so I made it go into the woods and your phone still in its pocket called Scott." He explained.

"But don't I have my scent on me?" I asked. He chuckled.

"It's being blocked by all the smells down here. He isn't getting to you any time soon." He then let go of my hands, slowly I brought them down in front of me. I froze.

"Why do you want me?" I questioned. "I'm not special."

"Oh, but Evelyn that's where you are wrong. You see Stiles loves you, and I since I took over him that makes me want you. But my want is stronger." The nogitsune explained. I felt panic settle inside of me.

Scott's POV

I grabbed her pillow and got a good wiff of her scent. I dashed outside sniffing the air. When I caught her scent in the wind, I ran towards it. I ended up in the woods.

I was running through trees, avoiding bushes, and jumping over logs. I couldn't seem to find her scent. The wind was messing me up. When I would think I was close the wind would blow the other way. It took a while but eventually the wind died down.

I followed the scent but I ended up at a tree. Her jacket hung off a branch. I grabbed it, them quickly pulled out my phone and called her.

I heard her phone ring a couple times before I realized her phone was in the pocket of her jacket. I pulled it out and saw that it had a picture of her and me when we went out for ice cream. I hung up and decided to call Stiles. I was freaking out and didn't know what to do.

"Scott?" He asked.

"Stiles I can't find her. I can't find her." I said with my voice full if panic and worry.

"Evelyn isn't back yet?" He asked. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"No. I found her jacket and her phone in the woods. I don't get why they are out here. She can't be that mad can she? Stiles what have I done? What if sh-" Stiles cut me off.

"Scott calm down. Worrying isn't going to help. We need to get a good night's sleep then we can look for her tomorrow. Alright?" He asked.

"But she could be dying. What if somethings wrong?" I asked.

"Scott. Worrying isn't going to help." Stiles assured.

"Alright. Ok. Your right." I said.

"Go home and get some rest we can look in the morning."

"Alright." I replied. And with that he hung up. I grabbed her jacket and shoved her phone in my pocket as I ran back home.


As of now we were with Lydia. We were trying to see if she could find anything. I brought Evelyn's jacket and phone.

"Can you hear anything?" I asked.

"Give me a chance. You just gave it to me." She replied. Both Stiles and Lydia looked at me.


"Don't worry. I'm sure she is fine." Stiles said. I looked at him, he seemed worse than yesterday.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm fine" He replied. I saw him look at Lydia. She looked like she was in a daze. She was hearing things.

"Lydia. Lydia what do you here?" Stiles asked. She had a terrified look on her face.

"Lydia!" I yelled. She snapped out of it. "Lydia what did you find out?"

"I don't know where she is but I know who she is with." Lydia said.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked with a shaky voice. We all knew the answer, we just didn't want it to be true.

"The nogitsune. She's with the nogitsune."

Evelyn's POV

I woke up to Void Stiles grabbing my arm and pulling me up so I was face to face with him.

"We need to go." He demanded. His voice had a hint of worry.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because we have a game to play." He didn't look happy. He turned and started to walk away.

"They're coming aren't they?" I asked with a hint of hope. But I could tell I hit a nerve. He paused; then turned and looked at my in the eyes.

"You are roght, they are coming. They are going to be right where I want them to be." His voice was threatening so I just stayed quiet. He put his arm around my waist; a black cloud swirled around us. When it cleared we appeared at the school.

"The school?" I questioned.

"Exactly where we need to be." He calmly explained. His hand went up to the side of my face. My body once again exploded with pain. A silent scream erupted from me as I fell to my knees.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the black veins again, that's it. That's how he fed off me. I attempted to rip his hand off, but failed. I needed help, I needed someone to save me.

Once again I really hope you guys are enjoying this!

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