Chapter 5: Mischief Night/day

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Evelyn's POV

Stiles had invited me to come with him to mischief night. It's something there school does where they pull pranks. I agreed to come and as of right now I was in the locker room with Stiles. Stiles walked away talking to someone on the phone.

I had my headphones in waiting for him to he done when I heard him fall and setting dropped. I pulled out my earphones in time to hear an "I hate you" come from Stiles when I walked over I saw Scott with a smirk on his face and Stiles on the ground. I let out a laugh as Stiles glared at me.


I rode the bus to school the next day. When I got off I wasn't paying attention I accidentally ran into two guys and fell backwards with a quiet ow. I pulled the headphones out of my ears as I looked up at the two people.

"Sorry." I said. I looked at them as I stood up, they were twins. Both of them were staring at me. "I'm really sorry I wasn't paying attention." I quickly said.

"It's ok." The one in the green shirt said.

"Do you guys go to school here? I haven't seen you around." I mentioned.

"Yeah, we dropped out for a little bit but we're back now." The other replied.

"Well its nice to meet you but I have to go." I said as I walked away from them and into the school.

I was confused as I walked over to Scott and Stiles and heard the end of their conversation. Stiles walked away and I heard Scott.

"I'm the hot girl." Scott said.

"Yes you are." Issac replied. Scott had a huge stupid grin on his face as he walked away. I stood by Issac.

"Should I even bother to ask?" I questioned to Issac.

"Nope." He replied.

"Got it." I answered.


I sat in Coach's class by Stiles. We heard Coach yell and Scott, Stiles, and I all smiled at each other as an angry Coach walked into the classroom.

"Mischief night, devils night. I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil." -small laughs erupted from the class- "You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged. A man's house is supposed to be his castle." -Coach smacked Scott's desk- "Mine's a fricken omlet." Coach pulled a present off his desk. "Oh this? We're gonna do this again. I don't think so."

He threw the present to the floor and smashed it with his foot. You could hear something fragile break. He bent over and picked up a pice of his used to be mug that had a picture of him on it, he set it down and opened a card.

"Happy Birthday. Love, Greenburg." He read aloud. I let out a small laugh.

Today seemed like it was going to be an okay day. That is until in the middle of my free period I found out that the school is on lock down until 3. Right now I was sitting in the hallway by my locker sketching something. I had brought all of my colored pencils and everything else.

I heard the fire alarm go off so I quickly grabbed everything and shoved it into my bag as I hurried outside.


I got a ride home with Scott. He was in a hurry because he was going over to Kira's house for dinner. I guess Mr. Yukimura invited him over to thank him for saving Kira from the coyote.

I spent an hour or two working on my homework. When I finished that I took out my sketch book to see what I had drawn. I had drawn a picture of a building. It looked like a power plant but there was lighting drawn all around it. I was curious as to what it meant.

I needed to get to the power plant so I started running. I dialed Stiles's number and tried to call him, but I got no answer. I rolled my eyes as I hung up.

Eventually I reached the sub station. I saw Stiles's jeep parked outside and Lydia was sitting in it. I walked over to her.

"Lydia?" I asked. She jumped.

"Evelyn, what are you doing here?" She asked. I wanted to tell her the truth but I didn't.

"I was just taking a walk and I saw the Jeep and Scott's bike." I replied. She was about to respond when a bright light exploded from the building, I saw exactly what I drew, the building with tons of lighting bolts surrounding it.


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