Chapter 19: The Divine Move

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Evelyn's POV

The feeling in my gut hasn't gone away, in fact it's been growing. I know that they will be here soon and I know that it's either going to be good or bad. Every movement or sound I hear scares me. I'm not sure when the nogitsune is going to be back. My hands were still bound together in front of me as I sat against a wall. My hope is fading, it's only been a day (almost two) and I can't describe the pain I've delt with.

A door creaked open and the familiar feeling of panic set in me.

"It's almost time." His voice rang out. I knew what that meant.

I closed my eyes and took a deep, shaky breath. He then came into veiw. The nogitsune. The look in his eyes were full of darkness. He got closer and closer so that his face was centimeters from mine. I turned my head to the side. His hand grabbed my chin, twisting my head to look at him.

"Open your eyes." He demanded. I shook my head as I closed them tighter. "Open them!" He shouted louder and more demanding. I jumped as I opened my eyes. He calmed down some. "Good. Now get ready. Your the main event." He said ending with a laugh.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked. A smile spread across his face.

"You'll see." -he paused- "But first." His hand went up to the side of my head. I let out a small scream before he stopped. "Stay put. I'll be needing you soon."-right before he walked out of my sight he spoke up again-" by the way, your friends are here." He said as he walked away.

I started to struggle with the rope around my hands, I needed to see them.

Stiles's POV

Scott and I stared at the monster who has been tormenting us for a while.

"Where's Evelyn?" Scott demanded.

"She's perfectly fine." The nogitsune had a evil smirk on his face. "I'm surprised you aren't asking anything Stiles." He directed towards me. I stood up straighter and glared at him.

"I swear if you hurt her..." I trailed off. He was enjoying this, all the pain and misery.

"Would you like to see her?" He questioned to us. All of our expressions changed. I'm not sure how to describe it but I was scared, scared to see what kind of codition she was in.

Evelyn's POV

I must have spent forever working on trying to get out. I'm not exactly sure how long it's been, but I've still made no progres. It didn't take long for a cloud of black smoke to swirl around me.

When it disapeared the nogitsune  was holding me in front of him,  my hands were no longer bound. I saw Scott, Lydia, Kira, and Stiles. I tried to get away but I felt weak. In fact I could barely stand if it wasn't for the nogitsune holding me. I saw them all staring at me. Stiles looked horrible, the pale skin and dark bags under his eyes made him look sick.

"I see I've caught your attention." Void Stiles stated. His grip around me was tight, I couldn't leave.

"Don't hurt her." Scott warned. The nogitsune laughed.

"I don't plan on it." -he paused- "unless you make me." He finished. I felt myself go pale. He hasn't actually hurt me, well other then him feeding and me getting slapped.

"You can't hurt her. We have a divine move." Stiles bravely blurted out. The nogitsune pushed me behind him. He knocked both Kira and Scott to the ground and approached Stiles.

I tried to grab the nogitsune's arm but when I did he turned and hit me, causing me to fall to the ground. I heard Stiles shout my name but he was cut off by the nogitsune.

"Divine move? Divine move? You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the oni but me? ME? I'M A THOUSAND YEARS OLD YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" The nogitsune approached Stiles and Lydia with every word.

"But we can change you." Lydia spoke up. The nogitsune froze.

"What?" He questioned, clearly confused.

"You forgot about the scroll." Stiles added.

"The shugendo scroll." Lydia replied.

"Change the host." The nogitsune finished.

"Can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles added. Then out of nowhere Scott bit his arm. I saw his eyes, glowing bright red as Kira stabbed a sword through the nogitsune. I felt my eyes tear up at the sight of Scott. I was still sitting on  the ground as my hand clamped over my mouth. I cried at the sight of Scott.

The nogitsune started to twitch uncontrollably as he fell to his knees. Cracks appeared across his face before he fell to the ground, turning into a pile of dust.

Issac came in the school with a box and trapped something.

Before I could process anything Stiles ran over to me. I felt as of the world had gone mute. The numb feeling took over me. I could tell Stiles had embraced me and that people were trying to talk to me. But it all felt like a mumble. I kept staring straight ahead where the nogitsune once was, not taking in anything else. How could I?

Eventually I came back to my senses. I looked over to Scott he looked uncomfortable, like he wanted to explain yet didn't know how.

I leaned into Stiles and let a safe feeling surround me. I then fell into a peaceful sleep.

                                 Once again I really hope you guys are enjoying this!

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