Chapter 6: Lock down

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Evelyn's POV

Right now Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira and I were all being questioned by my uncle and Sheriff Stilinski. Apparently Barrow had kidnapped Kira and Scott, Stiles, and Lydia went to help her. I got dragged into this because I showed up at the end.

"So when did you get there?" My uncle asked.

"At the same time." Stiles answered.

"At the same time as who?" My uncle asked.

"At the same time as me." Scott replied.

"By coincidence?" He asked.

"What do you mean coincidence?" Stiles questioned.

"That's what I'm asking you. The two of you arrived at the same time was that a coincidence?" My uncle questioned in return.

"Are you asking me?" Scott asked.

"I think he's asking me." Stiles replied.

"I think he's asking both of you." Lydia chipped in.

"Okay. Let me answer the questions." My uncle said. He then corrected himself. "Let me ask the questions." Stiles winked at him. "Just so we're absolutely clear Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school, someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Bartow took Kira to a power sub station and tied her up with the intention of electricuting her, wich blacked out the entire town."

"Sounds about right." Stiles answered.

"How did you know he would take her to a power station?" He asked.

"Well cause he was an electrical engineer so where else would he take her?" Stiles answered.

"That's one hell of a deduction there Stiles." My uncle said.

"Yeah what can I say, I take after my paps. He's in law enforcement." Stiles said as he winked and pointed to his dad who was laughing and tried to cover it up by coughing.

"Stiles just um, just answer the man." Sheriff Stilinski told him.

"We made a good guess." Stiles finally answered.

"What were the two of you doing?" My uncles questioned to Scott and Kira. When Scott said eating pizza Kira said eating sushi. They looked at each other and said it again but this time Scott said sushi and Kira said pizza finally both of them said...

"Eating sushi and pizza."

"You believe this?" My uncle questioned.

"To be honest I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he's learned to speak. But i believe these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that gurl sitting there is very lucky for it." The Sheriff responded.

"Kira is that how you remeber?" My uncle questioned. Everyone leaned forward to look at her. Kira looked at every one then nodded.

"Yes." She confirmed. "Could I get my phone back now?" She asked.

"Sorry, but no." He replied.

We all filtered out and I zoned out as I walked outside. I sat down on the bench that was outside and pulled up the folded piece of paper that had the drawing on it. It looked exactly how I saw it. But what I want to know is how I knew how to draw it. I heard the door open and I quickly shoved the drawing back in my pocket. I looked over to see Stiles and Lydia walk to Stiles's jeep and I watched them drive away. I sighed as I stood up and started to walk home.


There was no power at school so Coach was walking around shouting how much time until class started. I saw Scott and Stiles talking, I don't know why but I stared at them, well I stared at Stiles. He glanced over in my direction so I looked down and started walking to class. He ran after me.

"Evelyn! Hey Evelyn!" Stiles shouted as he chased after me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"Hey." Was all I said.

"Ok I know that you didn't just show up yesterday. What happened?" He asked.

"I told you I was going for a walk and I saw your jeep." I replied.

"Then why did you call me?" He asked.

"I must have butt dialed you." I said. Stiles stared at me.

"Is know your lying. I'm going to find out." He said in a determined voice as he walked away. I laughed as I walked to class.


Another day of me not being able to pay attention and me going home and drawing something. I drew a man or something draped in black. It had a metalic mask on and it's eyes were a bright yellow green color, like a lightning bug. It made me curious. I heard a knock at my door so I walked over and opened it. Scott was standing there.

"Hey, are doing anything tonight?" He asked.

"Not that I know of. Why?" I questioned back.

"Because I was wondering if you wanted to do something illegal then go to a party." Scott said.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"Kira and I need to delete pictures off of her phone and we have to get into the sheriff's station. So do you want to come?" He asked.

"Sure why not." I said.

"Good because Stiles is on his way to pick you up. I'll see you there." Scott said as he ran away.

"Wait what?" I shouted to him in surprise.

"Bye Evelyn. See you later." Scott yelled back as I heard the door shut.

Hey guys I really hope your enjoying the story so far. If you like it please let me know what you think.

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