Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I force my heavy eyelids open.

Are there bricks on my eyes or something?

The bright morning sunshine is flooding in through the open curtains and the room basked in light. I glance around through squinted eyes, trying to adjust to the intensity. I'm back in my room, the familiar baby pink walls in my line of vision. My room is definitely fit for a princess with the huge bed and the sweeping drapes- but this is my space so whatever. Thankfully there will be no paparazzi in here, ever.

I'm tucked into my double bed which feels like heaven right now. I'm way too tired to question how I even got here though. Last night seems like a blur. I then begin to register the pounding headache possessing me as I try thinking too hard, causing me to curse in frustration. 

How much did I drink last night?

It honestly feels like I've been hit by a brick, or something big.

Getting drunk when you're already worn out after a whole week of rushing around isn't one of the best ideas.

Well done, Sel.

I blink a few times, eventually being able to open my eyes fully. I groan as I feel how heavy my limbs are right now.

Okay so I don't think I'll be moving from this bed today.

"RISE AND SHINE BABY!" Jess' cheerful and loud voice calls and my bedroom door swings open with a bang. I groan again, pulling my pillow over my face and holding it there. The noise of the door definitely felt like another brick to the head.

However, my 3 seconds of pitch black bliss are ripped away from me in sync with Jess ripping the pillow from my hands, bathing me in light from the window again. I look up to see Jess standing next to my bed, grinning and wide awake. In her hands is a tray with coffee, a glass of water, a fry up and paracetamol tablets.

"Why do I feel like death and you seem as though you've just won the lottery?" I grumble. She laughs.

"Well that's what you get for drinking too much. I was satisfied with the chocolate fountain" she points out, evidently very smug about her decisions yesterday.

The party...

My eyes go wide. Nate.

I look back up at Jess and see that she's looking at me as though I've grown a second head.

"So I know you're hungover, but you seem a bit possessed now too" she jokes. I glare at her. She places the tray on the night stand, picking up the paracetamol and water first and waiting expectantly for me to sit up. Now all I can think about is Nate and the kissing; my headache is definitely getting increasingly worse. Why did I kiss him like that? I barely know him.

Because of my good old friend, vodka. Can always count on it to fuck you up.

"Come on, get up! Get this down you, and then eat; it will help" she instructs.

"Jess, I can't have greasy food, I--" she cuts me off and then glares at me intensely.

"Ah ah no! Don't give me that 'I have a shoot blah dee blah blahhh' excuse. Today is an exception. Besides, the amount of time you spend in the gym is crazy. I'd probably be hospitalised if I did. For pulling 20 muscles at once or something" she says pointedly, holding out the water and paracetamol for me.

I nod. There is definitely no use in arguing with her.

I pull myself up, sitting up against the headboard of the bed. After I've had the paracetamol and water, Jess places the tray of food and coffee on my lap.

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