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Chapter Three

"Where are you guys from? Its obviously not from anywhere here." Cry states, having already noticed their accents. Definitely Swedish, and maybe, what is it, French? No, that didn't seem right. "Oh, our accents right? Im from Italy, and Pewds is from Sweden. We flew over here with a bunch of people some time ago, we have no idea where they went." The girl says from behind Cry. Cry continues walking, but looks over his shoulder at them. He raises his eyebrow at the couple and says "Pewds?"

"Thats my name, don't wear it out" Blondie says, smirking. Cry sighs and looks forward, mumbling "Shut up, Blondie."

"Yeah, He's Pewdiepie, and I'm Marzia." The girl-Marzia- says.

So, obviously, Blondie isnt going to tell his real name. Marzia has no problem telling hers, though. Cry can live with that.

"Im Cry."


Marzia stiffens up next to Felix at the strangers name, her eyes going wide, reaching for the pistol in the back of her pants, and she keeps her hand on it. She's not stupid, like her boyfriend.

"Like Cryaotic?"

All three of them slowly come to a stop, Cry infront of them. He stands tall, chin up. Then he looks behind, at Marzia, smirking. "Yes."

Marzia's blood runs cold.


Pewdie yawns, stretching his arms above his head, flexing his muscles. Cry would be lying if he said it wasn't a nice picture. "What's going on?" He speaks through his yawn. "Nothing, Pewds. Let's keep moving" Marzia says, flashing a fake smile at her boyfriend. Cry saw right through it, but Pewdiepie didnt. Haha, he's dense.

Cry smiles at both of them, "Yes, we should. It's going to get dark soon, we should find a place to camp."

He turns forward again and begins walking, looking for a place that could either hide them from the cold, or hide them from people seeing them, or both. She knows who I am, she's smart unlike Blondie. She's probably fast too. Not as fast as I am, though.

"Over there!" Pewdie exclaims, pointing to the right. Cry looks, and see's a house in the distance. "Not good enough, it-" Marzia starts, but Cry cuts her off. "Is out in the open, and its the only one around, yes, but it's all we got. There's no such thing as 'good enough'." Cry starts walking towards the house, Blondie following behind him.

Marzia watches Pewds walk off with wide eyes, because what. Felix always talks to her! They always make sure that its okay with the other person before they do anything, but here's Felix walking off, following some sociopath!

She walks forward, following behind them, scowling.


Blondie is sleeping on the floor on a sleeping bag in the middle of two couches facing eachother.

Cry is on one, one leg pulled up to his chest, resting his arm on his knee, and twirling a knife inbetween his hands. Staring at Marzia who's on the other one, across from him. She's staring at him intently, resting back against the couch, right leg crossed over the left, hand on the gun laying down next to her.

"You're a sociopath, and if you try anything, I wont hesitate to put a bullet inside of your skull." She says lowly, quietly.

Cry chuckles, quiet enough not to disturb Sleeping Beauty. "Im not a sociopath, Im a phychopath. Theres a difference." He says.

"Same thing. I dont trust you, I know what you've done, I know what you're capable of doing, and I want you to know that I'm watching you." Marzia says, never looking away from the poker mask.

Its quite the contradiction. The mask has a poker face but you can see his mouth. What's the point of that?

He lowers his leg and sits forward, no longer smiling. "You know what I've done but you have no idea what I'm capable of doing. Dont underestimate me," He says, but then he's leaning back, relaxed and smiling again. "Besides, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already."

Marzia scowls at him, her hand tightening on the gun.


Cry wakes up in the morning, which, when did he fall asleep?

It's okay though, Cry realizes, because once he's done rubbing his eyes and popping his fingers, he realizes Marzia is asleep too.

He also realizes, she doesnt have her gun, and Cry doesnt have his knife.

And that Blondie is gone.

He looks in his bag, see's that everything else is there. Good. He takes out a bottle of mouthwash and drinks it. (he doesnt actually drink it, but he like, puts the liquid in his mouth and does the swish swoosh thing and spits it out into like, a empty cup next to the couch. yeah.) He had run out of toothpaste a couple days ago.

"Goddammit" Cry says and gets up, stretching and then he walks outside into the cold morning air, seeing nothing, no footprints in the snow. "Pewdie Im going to kill you for touching my weapons when I was asleep. Gonna kill the bastard for being so annoying, actually" Cry mumbles, and he turns around.

The moment he reaches the door, the door opens and Blondie comes out. Cry growls, grabs his arm and pulls him outside, pushes him up against the wall next to the door. "Where's my knife?" He says lowly.


Felix opens the door and walks out, looking down. He realized, once he came back that, Cry was gone.

Suddenly he hears a growl and looks up, the same time he's pulled and then he's being pushed up against the wall. It's Cry.

Cry is the one who pushes him up the wall, pins him against it, gets in his face and asks where his knife is in that very attractive voice. Of course it is.

Wont you just hurry up and kiss me.

Wait no. "I put it back on the couch, I asked if I could use it and you said sure, I'm sorry" Felix says quickly.

"You never did that." Cry accuses, voice still low and threatening. "I did, I swear. I woke you up and asked if I could use your knife because I found a bunch of canned food in the basement and you said sure and fell back asleep" He's rushing his words, but Cry understands him.

Cry is silent for a moment. "You're so lucky, Blondie" Cry says, then he lets go of Felix and walks inside.

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一❀.°•*•°✾.* • °♡ °•❀


So, this was short, I feel like it was kind of just a filler, but I'll be updating again today, probably. If not, I'll get some of Chapter Four written, and then probably update some other time this week.

Im sick and staying home, writing, instead of going to school. Yay.

Make sure to comment and vote, please. It assures me that you guy's like my story and that I'm doing good. It makes me want to write more for you guys.

Thanks (>‿ ◠)✌

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