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"You're the one who wanted me to risk my life to bring you that psychopath just so you could relive or continue your bromance or whatever, which expired years ago, sir." Snake says calmly into the phone.

"And... No. I didn't." Snake says, pausing as the man on the other side of the line talks. "But... Yes I understand but... Sir, this was a suicide mission from the start! You knew someone was going to get hurt, you knew I wouldn't be able to bring him back..." Snake trails off, pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Members of the base passing by pause to listen as a higher ranking member back talks his superior. Its very amusing.

"...What do you mean plan D. We went through three already, what makes you think a fourth is gonna work?" Snake asks, unaware of people stopping at the door to listen.

"Are you fucking serious? That's the worse plan I've ever heard!"


"Uggghhhh" Marzia cries, head tilted back and eyes closed as she walks. "I'm going to die." She says.

"We're almost there." Cry says.

"I have a couple bullets left, I'm going to use three of them on you and then use the rest on me." She says, but doesn't move to get out her gun. "That's a waste. Why not one for me, one for you, then leave the rest for whoever stumbles upon us and loots our corpses?" Cry suggest and Marzia sighs.

"But that's the nice thing to do." She groans. "What are we even going to do when we get there? We have no money??" Marzia questions, slowly walks, her head still tilted back and eyes closed.

"I have slick fingers." Is all Cry offers, and Marzia hums.

But then she realizes that Cry could have demonstrated just how nifty he is and she stands up straight, feels for her gun that's supposed to be in the back of her pants.

Its not there.

Cry laughs, holds out Marzia's gun. "I was wondering how long it was gonna take you."

She just rolls her eyes in annoyance and takes her gun back, holds it tightly to her. "My gun is the only thing I have left, touch it again and I'll shoot you." She threatens, but Cry knows the threat holds no weight.

"Anyways, don't worry about it. Slick fingers, sharp tongue, cunning mind, blah blah, I can get us a meal. All you have to do is keep up." Cry says, and then he's surpassing Marzia, jogging. "Ugh don't be a dick!" She says and stays walking, but as soon as she realizes Cry has no intention of waiting for her, she starts running to catch up.

"That's more like it, get those muscles working!" Cry says when Marzia catches up to him, and then he's running as well.

"Oh my goodddd" She drags out, then starts running faster. Cry is easily faster than her. "If I catch up to you, you have to give me a piggy back ride!" She says.

Honestly, when did being wary and hating Cry with every ounce of her being, turn into running with him, and making bargains with the promise of a piggy back ride?


"We're here." Cry says, letting go of Marzia's legs. "This is it..?" She trails off, hopping down from Cry's back.

"No, those are just traders that are constantly moving." Cry says, referring to the small pack of people to the right. "We're not inside yet, hold your horses." Cry says, seeing that Marzia was going to comment on the small area they're currently in.

"Inside..?" She trails off as Cry points to the football stadium. "To be honest its not my fault I missed that." Is all Marzia says before walking forward.

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