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Chapter Five

It is not a nice thing, it it definitely not a nice thing to be shot. Cry already knew this but he decides to think it anyway.

It is not a nice thing to be shot.

"Um now probably isn't the time but-" Felix says, voice going high as a bottle that's above his head is shot, glass flying everywhere. (The "shop" they ran into was more so a bar than anything and Cry and Pewdie are hiding behind said bar. Marzia has seemingly disappeared.)

"The girl from that group is here, I saw her." Felix says, cowering, trying to become one with the bar.

Cry reloads his two pistols, adrenalin pumping through his veins, numbing the places where he got shot. "You sure it's her?" Cry asks, standing up and firing at people coming in through the side entrance like they did, and at people who are coming in through the front entrance.

That's when Felix notices the bullet hole and blood staining Crys white shirt. When Cry finally sits back down, Felix straddles Crys lap and lifts his shirt up. "What the fuck are you doing?" Cry asks, pushing Pewds hands away from his stomach.

"You see these bullet wounds? They need to be fixed right now." Pewds says, grabbing his health kit out of his backpack. "Are you- are you being serious? People are shooting at us right now, I need to kill them" Cry says, but Felix continues on, putting pressure on the wound.

"Marzia has it, I know she does." He says. "Fuck" Cry hisses, pain returning, and it doesn't make it better that Pewds is putting pressure on the wounds. "She's been gone ever since we -fuck- since we hid behind the counter." Cry says, giving up on fighting Felix and slumping against the bar.


"Stealing my man? Parading around with him, even though you already have that dumb-fuck blonde?" Some random girl says, grabbing Marzia by the collar and slamming her against the bathroom wall.

Marzia is confused and scared, but then she notices that the person in front of her is actually Minx. She breaks out into a smile, and so does Minx.

Marzia hugs her, laughs because wow. "Hi, Minx."

They end up kissing in the bathroom even though Marzia's boyfriend is in the front, being bombarded by bullets.


"I highly doubt that she's got it" Cry says once Felix is done mothering over him and dressing his wounds. Felix just sits there on his lap though, not moving, looking down.

In his own world.

"Pewds-" Cry starts out, but somebody rounds the bar and shoots at them. Cry immediately rolls them over, now in between Pewdie's legs, holding himself up over the blonde, protecting him. Cry picks up his gun and looks back at the man, manages to shoot him in the head with shaky hands.

Then he sits up properly, not noticing Felix's glazed eyes or flushed cheeks and this is not the time nor place, pewds.

Cry drags the person he just shot behind the counter and digs in his pockets, finds a small grenade.

"Okay listen I can't kill them all so when I throw this grenade, the moment it goes off run to the back and just run out of here. I'll be right behind you." Cry says, and Felix takes a moment but he eventually nods.

Its going in slow motion for Pewds. The bomb gets thrown, then Felix is picking up his backpack, shoving the medical kit in there. Next the bomb blows up and people are shooting more than they did before and Felix is running, Cry behind him.

Then it's all picking up and there's no more guns going off and Felix looks back just in time to see Cry clutching his side, and then all the sudden dropping.

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一❀.°•*•°✾.* • °♡ °•❀


So last night at midnight I was like "Hey the 11th is when I updated and today is the 22nd that's perfect!"

But tbh what is the point of writing if nobody reads my story or if y'all don't vote or comment to let me know how you guys are liking the story??

Anyways, bye.

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