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"Who the hell is she?" Cry demands inside of the barn. (Jack had insisted that they drag the two unconscious people in there as well as hide their car.)

Jack doesn't answer at first and Cry grows inpatient. "She knew who I was, she knew who you were, and she said she wanted answers. Who is she?" Cry asks once more.

"Everybody knows who you are, the infamous Cryaotic. Wanted and feared by everybody-well. Not everybody." Jack says, shooting a look at both of the unconscious bodies on the floor.

Cry takes pride in people fearing him, so if he gives a small frown at the woman on the floor (he'd known Felix didn't fear him since day one), well, nobody had to know.

"Anyways, and she knows me because as I said, I'm a doctor at one of the military bases. Was," Jack interrupts himself, correcting his mistake. He sits down on the dirt next to the girl, picking up her hand and untying the cloth they had put there before dragging her to the barn. "You were quick at drawing your gun. How'd you know the bullet wouldn't go through her hand and into her stomach?" Jack questions, inspecting the wound.

"She was going to put a bullet into Felix's head, of course I was. And, I didn't."

Jack nods, his eyes narrowing with the information stored in his mind. "So you wouldn't have cared if she bled to death? Or died from shock?" He asks.

"You still haven't answered my question," Cry points out, crossing his arms and leaning against the front of the car.

"Who is she? Her name is Krism and she's from a different military base. Crawford. You met her wife, Minx."

"Alright. What do you suppose she wanted to ask you?"

"Since you want to play the 'I'm not going to answer your question until you answer mine' game, I believe its your turn."

Cry scoffs and looks down at Krism. "No, I wouldn't have cared if she died. In fact, that would've been a blessing," he says, a smile gracing his lips. Jack disregards it, being careful not to roll his eyes. He senses that Cry is on edge, and he doesn't want to be the one to make Cry snap.

Well, he supposes he takes that back. He doesn't want to be in the way when Cry does.

"Whatever she wanted to ask me, it must've been important since she came from so far away. Now, my question, I know you don't care about who you kill, but you didn't kill Snake or Minx, nor did you kill Felix, and from my understanding, Marzia."

"That's not a question."

"There's a question there, I assure you."

Cry falls silent, so silent that Jack looks up from trying to clean Krism's wound to make sure that the masked man didn't leave. "What are you, a psychologist? What are you saying?" Cry asks, perfectly, unnaturally still against the car.

"How come you'll kill mercilessly, but when it came to meeting, what, five people? You hesitated. What's so different about us?"

"I didn't have a mom to tell me not to play with my food," Cry says after a moment, a predatory smirk settling over his features as his head tilts a bit to the side. Jack remains unphazed on the outside, but his heart rate spikes.

Its all for show anyways, and as quickly as he'd done it, he turns and walks out of the barn, into the cool night air.

"I really gotta get some sleep," Cry mumbles to himself as a wave of dizziness hits him. He leans against the wooden walls of the outhouse, and closes his eyes, instead choosing to listen to his surroundings. He doesn't let himself fall asleep, just listens.

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