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Felix wakes up, hears his phone going off. He doesn't really want to answer it, so he lets it ring.

Then the person calls again.

So Felix sighs and turns over in bed, reaches the phone and answers it. He doesn't say anything.

"You okay friend?"

Its Cry.

"Are you there?" Cry asks after a moment of silence. "Yeah.." Felix says, a bit quiet. "I know you said you're going on a trip but you haven't answered any one of us. Not me, or Ken, or Jack. What's up?" Cry asks, and his voice is so soothing, Felix almost falls asleep again.

He doesn't answer.

"Did you really go on a trip?" Cry asks.

"Are you not going to answer me?" Cry asks.

"Should I hang up?" Cry asks.

"Marzia broke up with me.." Felix says into the phone quietly, his eyes closed. He wishes he could just fall back asleep.

"Oh... Why didn't you tell us? Or me? I used to be your best friend Felix..." Cry says. "I know, I'm sorry." Is all Felix offers.


"Should I fly over?" Cry asks after a couple moments of silence.

"I haven't even seen your face yet, Cry, don't push yourself. I'm fine, just taking a couple days off and away from everyone." Felix says and gets up, rubs his eyes.

"I have mile points." Cry says.

Felix chuckles, just a bit. "You never step foot out of your house, don't lie to me." He says, and that in turn makes Cry laugh.

"But seriously dude, talk to me. I can fly over and we can mix beer with ice cream." Cry says.

"I hate beer."

"Me too."


Felix wakes up from a sort of pleasant dream? Was it even a dream?

It felt so familiar..

"Oh good, I was just about to wake you. Let's get packing and rolling." Cry says as he enters the room.

Felix is half sitting up, sort of getting his dream and reality mixed up for a second. Which one is real?

"Yeah... Yeah... What's for breakfast?" Felix says drowsily, rubs his eyes. "Beer and apples." Cry says.

"I hate beer."

"Me too."


They're walking early in the morning, crack of dawn, eating apples. Its silent.

"How do you even know where we're going?" Felix asks.

Cry pulls out a compass and a map that's folded up out of his pocket, holds them up. "Basic scout training?" He asks, as in "Duh?"

Felix just rolls his eyes.

"Did you learn that in the Military too?" He asks. "No." Is all Cry says.

"Ah, fuck.." Cry trails off, and he immediately turns right. "What?" Felix asks, tosses the core of his apple. "There was a group heading this way, I don't feel like wasting ammunition." Cry offers, hurrying up to get out of the open.

"Aren't you supposed to be some psychopathic murderer who likes killing people?" Felix asks innocently, and it makes Cry laugh. "If you could walk up to a group and just start chopping off their heads without dying you probably would do it." Felix says, but he's mostly talking to himself.

"Fuck me.." Cry mumbles and pulls Felix behind a house on the corner of the street. "Here?" Pewds asks loudly.

"Shut up." Cry says, turning towards him, but he's mostly just looking out at the road. "What are we doing?" Felix says, trying to be quieter, but he's still loud. Cry turns and brings his hands up, holds Pewds face and leans in, super close. He says "We're playing the 'If you don't shut the fuck up we're going to get killed' game."

He's so close Felix can feel Cry's breath hitting his lips, and his cheeks absolutely do not turn red because of that.

The more he focuses on the sounds around them, he realizes that there's a bunch of talking coming from around the house.

Another group.

"They're gonna see us you know that right?" Felix whispers, scared.

"No they're not, we just have to wait for the right time to move to the other side of the house." Cry says, drags Felix along to the other side, eyes trained to the right of them, waiting for someone in the group to walk past the house.

But they don't.

Instead, the front door to the house is being kicked down, and there's cheering going on. "For fucks sake.." Cry mumbles and let's go of Felix's arm.

"Can't you just kill them?" Felix asks.

"So early in the morning?" Cry asks, a smirk on his face as he pulls a pistol out of his back pocket.

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一❀.°•*•°✾.* • °♡ °•❀

I don't have any ideas for this story bruh. Like, I wanna make the book long right? But I don't know how to fill in the space from here to the end?????

And I want to make Cry like, seriously crazy. He doesn't care about anything or anyone, he's detached from his emotions, bUT ITS NOT WORKING OUT FOR ME AND I WANNA DRINK BLEACH

anyways i love you guys y'all make me so happy with your lil comments ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏᵧₒᵤfor reading this dumb ass story that's been going on since 2013

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