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It's frustrating. Everything that has to do with two good for nothing idiots is frustrating, and Cry would scream it to the world.

"Fuck you Mareith," Cry mumbles, walking along a dirt path instead of the paved road leading straight to the base. If Cry has learned anything about the snooty long haired bitch called Marzia, its that she loathes being out in the open.

"Why'd I have to get reminded of you now? I was perfectly fine with leaving her to deal with her boyfriend and the military, but now I have to go a feel guilty, of all things," Cry says, imagines getting hit by Mareith if she was alive, can almost hear her say "You know you weren't perfectly fine, dont be an idiot."

Funny, that.

Now, Cry isn't a dog. He has absolutely no idea where Marzia is, and he's not even ninety percent sure that she turned around and walked back to the base. For all he knows, she doesn't care about Felix at all and walked the other direction he's currently going.

She sure as hell makes it seem like she would do that.

So, if Cry doesn't spot her around the military base they found, then guilty conscience is gone.

A twig snaps to his right and he looks, sees Marzia rounds a tree and crosses her arms. "I thought you weren't going to help." She says. "What can I say? Guilty conscience. I thought you didn't really care for your boyfriend," Cry throws back, leans to the right a bit, shifting his weight from both feet to just one.

Marzia narrows her eyes at him and turns around, mumbles something that sounds like "What can I say, I have a guilty conscience too," before stalking off. Cry follows her.

"So, do you have a plan? Or were you just going to walk up to the gate and ask them to hand you back Felix?" Cry asks, looks around them. Nothing but tree's and tree's for miles.

"Do you have a plan? Or were you just going to walk up to the gate and start shooting them?" She fires back.

Its obvious she's annoyed.

Cry rolls his eyes, says, "I would've at least told them to open the gate before killing them."

Marzia huffs.

"For your information, I was planning to join them. Figure out where Felix was, make sure he was safe, and then leave," She says, realizes how stupid it sounds the moment it leaves her mouth.

Cry laughs. He fucking laughs.

"You can't be serious!" He exclaims, laughing throughout the sentence. Marzia stops walking and turns around to glare at him. "I'm dead serious," She says, which only makes Cry laugh harder. "Oh no!" He wheezes while laughing.

Marzia is not entertained.

"Oh, that's so stupid. Not only would you get rejected, but if you continued to ask, they'd eventually shoot you." Cry says, done laughing but a huge smile on his face.

"Oh, but you have a better idea?"

"No, not really."

Suddenly, its like a light flicks on in Marzia's head. She smiles. "What about, I pretend like I caught you and I'm turning you-" "No."

She pouts. "What do you mean no?" "No."

"You haven't even really listened!"

"I dont have to in order to know that you're fucking stupid!" Cry exclaims. "What was it gonna be? Pretend to hand me over? How were you gonna get me out? You and Pewdiepie, of all people, try to get me out?" Cry says.

It must show on Marzia's face that she's thinking; "When did I ever say I was gonna get you out?" Because the next thing Cry does is start laughing, and he says "You weren't planning on getting me out. Oh that's rich."

He laughs for a solid minute and Marzia wonders why its funny, but doesn't speak. Just stares at the man.

"So, let me get this right," Cry says when he's done laughing, "you feel guilty that you don't even like your boyfriend anymore, so you figure the least you could do is make sure he's okay and get him out of the military if he wants.

In order to get said boyfriend out of the militaries hands, you need me to act as if I've been caught by you, and you're turning me in to the military just so you could see your non-boyfriend. So, you want this huge favor from me, doing exactly what I want to avoid, but then you don't even plan to get me out afterwards?" He asks, and a couple seconds go by before he's laughing again.

"You're a fucking riot!" He exclaims while laughing. He's probably crying underneath the mask. How fitting, Marzia thinks.

She scowls, wants to push him over. "All I want is to-" "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Cry says, laughs dying down.

"If Felix wants to get out of there, the military won't just let you guys go. How do you expect to get out of there once I'm all caught up? And, secondly, what about afterwards? Are you just gonna leave Felix to defend for his own while you go out looking for more dick? Or pussy. It doesn't matter to you, right?" Cry asks, crossing his arms and leaning against a tree, a huge smile on his face.

What Marzia wouldn't give to just punch him.

She turns around and stalks away. "Forget I ever asked," She says. "I thought you needed my help!" Cry says, a chuckle escaping him. Honestly, he missed people being hoe's. It was fun to see people's drama.

"Not anymore!" Marzia exclaims, throws up her hand to flip him off while she's walking away.


Cry whistles out a tune while walking down the dirt road. He's now guilty conscience free.

A small voice in the back of his mind nags that he's gonna regret this, but Cry easily just turns it off. That's always been easy.

He walks until he's back into the city, no longer surrounded by trees. He briefly wonders when the last time he ate was, but decides he doesn't care. He'll get out some food later, just has to wonder what he's gonna do now.

There's always the option of going back to the football field, but that's so far away. If he wanted to get there sometime soon, he'd best figure out how cars work and how to fix them, then hope any of the cars around have gas.

He doesn't feel like seeing Russ again though, so that's out of the question.

Three days later, Cry pushes open the door to a small flower shop and walks in. He walks over to the counters and sets down his backpack on them, takes out his gun and goes to look in the back for anybody.

Nobody is there, of course.

He walks back to the counter and pulls a chair over to it, rummages through his bag to find a can of chicken noodle soup. He opens it, thinks about making a fire just to heat it up, but then quickly decides against it and just starts eating the soup.

Its cold and whatnot, but its food. And its good.

A gun is being pressed to his head.


▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一❀.°•*•°✾.* • °♡ °•❀

Yay. I'm probably getting surgery. :) Sooooo happy. :):):):):):)

Can you sense my sarcasm?

Guys, do what you want to do. Be who you want to be. Stop giving a fuck about people in your life and start caring about you. You and the most important thing in your life, start treating yourself like it.

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