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"Ah fuck..." Cry mutters to himself while they're sitting down. "What?" Marzia asks, looks up from whatever she's doing.

"A crossbow would've been nice." Cry says, shakes his head and gets back to reassembling his gun. "Why?" Marzia asks, tilts her head in question. She looks back down at the ground, continues digging up dirt with a stick.

"Well, let's say there's a deer. The best way to kill that deer would be with something silent, because if you fire a gun and the deer startles, it'll run away before the bullet hits it." Cry explains, and Marzia makes a noise of agreement.

She thinks about saying melee weapons are silent, but that's just being stupid. The deer would bolt.

"I'm bored. Let's come up with names for people who are left in the world." She says, stops playing with the dirt and lays down, looks at the sky. Its no longer cold, instead a nice breeze blowing while the sun slowly moves across the sky. "What do you mean?" Cry asks.

"Okay, well... The people in that little community place, the football stadium, what shall we call them?" She asks, turns to lay on her side. She stares at the side profile of the other man, watches him try to put his gun back together.

Cry snorts in response to her question, says "What is this, Fallout?"

"What's that?" She asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Its a game, back before the war."

"Oh... Did you play games a lot?" She asks and Cry nods. "It was practically my job." He says. "You played games for a job?" She asks, takes her stick from earlier and starts drawing in the ground.

"Yeah. It started out as just something to do, you know? But then I started making gaming videos on YouTube." He explains, putting the last pieces of his gun together. He sets it aside and gets working on his other pistol, taking it apart to clean it.

"Ooohhhh. Is that where your name comes from? Cryaotic?" She asks, side eyes him. He nods.

"Felix did that too. That's how the name PewDiePie came to be." She comments, tries keeping the conversation going. She doesn't want it to be silent just yet. "I kind of figured." Is all Cry says, too focused on cleaning his gun.

He doesn't want to talk. Thats fine.

Eventually they get up and start walking again. Its silent, which Marzia hates.

It was never silent when Felix was with her.


He's silent. He can't even hear his own breathing because its so shallow.

His arm feels weird. He tries moving his fingers, and they do, he can feel them twitch but its weird. They aren't
... His.

His left arm, the one that feels weird, is heavier than the right. Why is that?

Something is wrong.

He starts panicking. He can't remember anything, his arm isn't his. Why can't he remember anything?

He tries opening his eyes, and it takes a lot of strength. Why is it so hard to open his eyes? He opens them and is blinded by a light. Why is it so bright?

He can hear a door opening and heavy shoes clicking as they walk towards him.

"Who are you?" The person asks.

Hasn't he been asked this question before?

His mouth opens, and he tries to speak but it hurts too much. All that gets out is something short of a whine.

Its silent, the person doesn't move or say anything else.

He almost thinks that he imagined the person, but then hands are grabbing his arms, hauling him up so he's sitting. He gasps in pain, his eyes shooting open.

Its easier to keep his eyes open when there isn't a bright light

Water is being splashed on his face and it gets in his eyes. He fights the people holding him up and they eventually let go.

His moves his hands up to his eyes to rub them, but immediately moves them away when cold metal touches his eye.

The cold metal.... That's from his but not his left arm.

He rubs his eyes with his right hand and looks down at his left hand when he's done.

It isn't flesh that he sees. Instead he has a metal arm.

"Who are you?" The man from earlier asks, and he looks up. Its a bit blurry, but there's a guy standing there, tall and buff, something black wrapped around his head.

He forgets the question, just stares at the man in front of him.

"Whats your name?" The man asks, cold eyes staring down at him. "I..." He trails off. He doesn't know.

What's his name?

The only thing certain to him is that the man in front of him... Oh how he hates this man.

The man smirks, nods to the people off to the side. Doctors. The Doctors pull out a pen and start writing something on a clipboard before leaving the white room.

"You don't know who you are?" The man asks, standing in the same stance. Arms behind his back, standing tall.

It almost pisses him off.

"I..." He trails off, throat working. It hurts. It hurts so bad to use his voice. Did he do something to hurt it? Did he scream or something?

"No." He finishes shortly, looks around the room for water. Anything to soothe his throat. It feels like his vocal chords have been ripped open and every time he tries to talk, it feels like they're being rubbed together.

The man steps forward, holds out a water bottle.

He automatically takes it, opens it and downs half of the water in a minute. "I suppose we should've hydrated you..." The man says, but he doesn't care for what the man thinks.

"I'm Snake," he says "And you are PewDiePie."

"What kind of name is that? What did you do to me?" He... PewDiePie asks once he's finished with the bottle. He drops it on the bed he's on.

His head hurts from trying to remember anything.

"I just helped you. Anyways, get up. You need to get used to that arm and you need training. Also, we will be having more of these sessions." Snake says, before turning around and walking to the door.

"What do you mean sessions?" PewDiePie asks, not moving to get up.

Snake doesn't reply.

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一❀.°•*•°✾.* • °♡ °•❀

I'm also gonna update again either later today or tomorrow, because the next part just doesn't seem right fitting into this chapter.

Enlighten me, what do you guys think is gonna happen by the end of the book?

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