8|| Bad Blood

12 2 0

Zayn's POV

I hear the sound of the door slamming and bags being dropped to the floor. As Charlotte runs into the kitchen, I look up from the bottle in my hand. When her eyes meet mine, her face turns white.

"Zayn I-" she begins to say.

"It's almost 10 o'clock. You said you'd be back by seven Charlotte," I interrupt, giving her an icy stare.

"I-I-I know I did Zayn. I met some new friends, lost track of time and-"

"Do you know how dangerous it gets around here at night? 10 o'clock is too late for you to be getting home. You could have gotten kidnapped, mugged, raped or worse," I spit.

Charlotte looks back at me with an amused expression. Maybe if I wasn't so irritated right now, I'd be able to figure out what she's thinking.

"What's it to you Zayn? I thought you didn't care about me huh? On the first day you said-"

I exclaim. "For crying out loud Charlotte! I do care because it would be my responsibility if you were found dead in the streets. What would your mom say? What would my mom say? I don't want to have to deal with that!"

"Well you don't even have to worry Zayn," she says in an edgy tone. "Nothing was going to happen because I had my friend Harry Styles to take care of me."

My heart stops beating once that name escapes her lips. The bottle in my hand drops and spills on the floor. Did she really just say what I thought she said?

"What did you just say?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"I said, Harry took care of me. He's one of my new friends that I met at school today. We have a couple classes together because we're the same major. We went to get coffee after classes were over. That's why I was so late. I lost track of time talking to him. He's actually sweet, caring, and funny unlike you," She answers with a smirk.

"NEVER COMPARE ME TO THAT BLOODY DIMWIT EVER AGAIN!" I scream, taking a step towards Charlotte.

The mocking expression on her face suddenly changes. Now her expression is terrified. I can see it in her blue eyes. She must think I'm psychotic.

"Wait. You know Harry?" She asks.

Crap. No. No I don't. As far as she knows, I do not know Harry and it needs to stay like that. My past is too complicated for her to get into. She can't find out what happened.

I lie. "No. I just don't want you hanging around with someone you just met. It's unsafe. I don't know him."

Charlotte takes a step closer to me, a smile inching it's way on her face.

"It sure sounds like you do," she coos.


Charlotte stares back at me, her eyes wide with shock. She takes a few steps back and turns to look the other way. When she faces me again, I see tears brimming in her eyes. She's biting her lip hard to refrain from crying.

In that moment, I almost feel terrible. I almost regret screaming in her face like that...she probably isn't used to that type of thing. I feel like apologizing but instead show no emotion, turn, and walk away in the opposite direction.
All through the night I toss and turn, feeling guilty. I can't help but regret the things I said to Charlotte and the way I said them. And I hate it.

Normally, I can tell anyone off no problem and afterwards I don't sit around thinking about it. I normally feel somewhat proud and content with myself. With Charlotte, it's different. For the first time, I feel like the jerk that I am. Maybe it's different because when I look in Charlotte's face, I still see the little girl she used to be.

As I stare up at the ceiling, I catch myself smiling, thinking about old times.

Charlotte and I used to run around our neighborhood doing all sorts of stupid things.
I would play house with her even though I hated it and in turn she would play sports or video games. Once, I convinced Charlotte to egg an old lady's house with me. The lady had pissed me off because she hadn't given me back my ball that went over her fence. Charlotte ended up getting caught and took the fall for us.

Suddenly, a laugh escapes my lips as I think about the look on Charlotte's face when Mrs. Sander's caught her with an egg in her hand. Another wave of guilt washes over me and I force myself to get out of bed.

I walk down the hall and stare at her door, unsure of what I'm going to do next. Am I really about to apologize to her? I shouldn't. I spent too long building up walls just to take them down.

I start to turn, but my conscience gets the best of me and I knock on her door. After getting no response, I let myself in to find her bed empty.

I frantically run into the kitchen, hoping to catch her before she leaves for school. As I walk in, I see a bright pink sticky note attached to the fridge. It reads:

Zayn, I made some eggs this morning and there's left overs on the counter if you want them. This time, I'll be back by 7 pm. I promise. I'm sorry for getting into your business, it won't happen again. I left for school, Harry's driving me.
- Charlotte

As soon as I read Harry's name, I crumple up the sticky note and toss it in the trash. On the counter above the trash can, sits the plate of scrambled eggs Charlotte made. I take them and smile, remembering that she always liked her eggs scrambled.

My thoughts wander back to Harry and I groan. Somehow, I need to get Charlotte to stop hanging out with him. He isn't safe for her to be around. I don't want him touching her. I don't even want him near her.

Oh well. Maybe I shouldn't apologize to Charlotte. Anyone who hangs out with Harry Styles deserves everything that's coming to them.

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