10|| Over Again

16 1 1

Zayn's POV

"I'm going to do this. As soon as Charlotte gets home, I'm going to apologize to her. This time it's going to be different," I think to myself as I look down at the paper in my hands.

I roll my eyes before letting out a sigh. I can't believe my boss would assign me something like this. I already work longer hours than I should, doing things I'm uncomfortable with in order to get by.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the opening of the flat door. Quickly, I shove the paper back inside the envelope and stuff it in my desk drawer.

As I walk into the kitchen, I notice Charlotte looking focused as she reads a text book. After a few moments of watching her, I break the silence by saying,"Looks like you got home on time."

The sound of my voice is startling, causing her to let out a scream and jump out of her chair. Charlotte's papers go flying along with her pencils. She looks up at me with a disgusted look before bending down to pick up her things.

"Wow Lottie, I thought you'd gotten used to my tricks when we were kids," I say, trying to hide my amused smile.

"NEVER that one," she mutters, rolling her eyes. "Yeah anyway, I thought you'd appreciate it if I got back home on time. You threw a fit when I was late yesterday."

"I threw a fit? Sorry for being concerned for your safety!" I spit, slapping the counter. Charlotte looks at me with wide eyes and I know my actions are uncalled for. I shouldn't be defensive. She's right. I did throw a fit.

"You weren't concerned for my safety. If I remember right Zayn, you said you didn't want to be responsible for my dead, raped body!" She exclaims.

Charlotte stares at me, her face red with irritation, and I sigh. This is not where I wanted the conversation to go. Unfortunately, it's really easy to argue with Charlotte.

"Hey, just drop it. I didn't want to start this," I admit. Slowly nodding in agreement, Charlotte lets out a sigh. She places her collected papers on the kitchen counter and sits down.

"Um how'd you like the eggs I left? You did find them right?" She asks, trying to start up conversation.

"Yeah they were all right. You should know that I've never been a fan of eggs," I say, muttering the last part under my breath.

"Do you expect me to remember every little detail about you from when we were kids Zayn?" Charlotte explains, and by the tone in her voice, I can tell she's growing frustrated again.

"Calm yourself Lottie. I don't understand why you're upset," I say with a smirk.

With her frustration growing even more at the use of her pet name, Charlotte lets out a loud groan and takes a step towards me.

"There you go again Malik. I try to have a civil conversation with you and no matter what I say, you turn it around. You're always either annoyed, or agitated, or you're all nonchalant. I know it's only been a few days but I'm already sick of this. I get the message loud and clear- we don't have to be friends. I'm going to go to my room where I'll stay for the rest of the night. Goodnight Zayn," she hisses before marching off.


A/N - Sorry this chapter is short but it was originally going to be a really long chapter that I decided to divide into two parts. I figured it would be easier on you all :)

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