13|| She Can't Find Out

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Zayn's POV

Great. Of course by trying to prevent Charlotte from going to the party, she ignores me. She's going to go to that forsaken party anyway. I've always known she was rebellious but I think that side of her has definitely blossomed. I think she went to the party just to defy me. I know nothing would have made her happier than getting back at me for all the things I've said to her.

I smirk a little bit thinking about it. In fact, if I were Charlotte, I'd want to defy me too. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm furious about it. She can't live under my roof if she won't obey me. I'll have to make that really clear to her soon.

She asked me why she couldn't go and I avoided her question. I should have directly told her the truth. But how could I tell her that she can't go to a party because there will be people there that will hurt her? How could I tell her that I work with those people? How could I tell her that I am one of those people?

Charlotte can't find out about me. She can't know of the danger I've placed her in by allowing her to stay with me. More importantly, they can't find out about Charlotte. Having her live with me is violating so many regulations and codes. If they found out, it wouldn't matter if I told them she's just a friend and knows nothing. For all they know, she's a threat, or some other person that's out to shut us down and turn us in.

No. Charlotte will not be punished for my mistakes. No one will be punished for my mistakes. Not again.

Reluctantly, I grab my jacket and slip out the door, determined to find Charlotte and send her home to prevent any chaos from happening.

Once at the frat house, I roll my eyes. It's been a while since I've been to one of these and I've been trying to refrain from going to anymore. There's just too much possibility for things to go wrong at a party.

Charlotte's POV

At the sight of Zayn following some random girl up the stairs, I'm taken by surprise. I feel confused and a bit betrayed. Zayn said he didn't want me going to the party tonight yet here he is.

I assumed it was because he wanted me to stay out of trouble or maybe he couldn't bare the thought of frat boys crawling all over me. I mean, he doesn't even view me as a woman. He still sees me as a little girl.

Zayn said he wasn't interested in coming. Clearly that girl is interesting enough.
Maybe he didn't want me to see him here with this girl? Was this his plan all along? Was he going to meet up with her here from the very beginning?

"Harry I need to go upstairs, now," I blurt. He looks up at me in surprise. His expression unreadable.

"Oh......ok. Is everything alright Char? Do you want me to come with you?" He asks, placing his hands on my shoulders and giving me a caring look.

"I promise, everything is fine Harry. Maybe I'll see you later?" I say my eyes flickering between him and the stairs.

"U-Um yeah...sure," he mumbles before removing his hands from my shoulders and quickly looking away. I give him a weak smile before turning and running up the stairs.

I hear him call. "Thanks for the dance!"

However, I'm in such a rush I don't take the time to reply. I know I should. I really should bit there are other things more important at the moment than pleasing Harry. Once upstairs, I open the first door, only to find a couple in the middle of a steamy make out session.

GROSS. GET A ROOM. Oh wait....

I continue to frantically run down the hall, opening and shutting doors in hopes of finding Zayn. I can't even imagine what Zayn and that girl are doing. Has he known her long? Is he seeing someone and didn't tell me about it? If he is, I honestly wouldn't be surprised. He doesn't tell me anything.

Once I reach the last door at the end of the hall, I stop and place my ear up to the door. I swear if I open this door and Zayn and this girl are sucking each other's faces off, I'll puke.

"What do you mean she's living with you!?" I hear a feminine voice scream. "Have you completely lost it? That's so stupid!"

"Look I had no choice Jo! She used to be one of my best friends and she's in a rough spot right now. I had to help. And it doesn't matter because I promise you she WON'T find out," a male voice shouts back.

I gasp and my hand flies up to cover my mouth as I realize Zayn is the one speaking. They have to be talking about me. They got together to talk about me? I won't find out what? What do they not want me to figure out?

"Your best friend? Don't tell me you're going soft now Zayn! You know sympathy is weakness in our line of work. Sympathy is weakness in general. If you've told me that once, you've told me a thousand times. This girl better not be compromising you. If this girl gets involved and screws everything up, you're finished!" The girl, Jo, screams.

I suddenly hear the sound of scrambling feet across the floor. Next, I hear a loud thud and a painful moan escape from someone's mouth.

That girl sounded pretty aggressive. It also didn't sound like she and Zayn get along very well. Terrified at the thought of Zayn being hurt, I throw the door open and barge into the room. Zayn quickly turns around to see me, an equally angry and surprised expression written across his face. His eyes quickly shift from the floor and back up at me.

I follow his gaze to see a tall girl with dark hair laying limply on the ground. Her face is bruised and slightly bleeding. There's a dent in the wall from where Zayn threw her.

My eyes move back to meet Zayn. He lets outs a frustrated sigh and shakes his head before mumbling, "Well sh**."

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