12|| Dance Partner

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I climb out of my car and take in the view of the frat house. It's a humongous mansion. There's a long, keyhole-shaped driveway where many cars were parked, and in the center a large fountain. The house is at least two stories with many windows.

After walking through the large, wooden double doors, I enter into the foyer. It's a huge open space where people are already hanging out. The inside of the house has high ceilings and a gorgeous grand staircase that leads to the second floor.

"Holy cow! I frat lives here?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Yup! Incredible right?" Shannon answers, walking in behind me. As I turn to greet her, my eyes widen at what she's wearing. Shannon is wearing a low cut navy top, a short white skirt, and white stilettos. Compared to her, I feel like a nun in my simple black dress  and gladiator sandals.

"Shannon you can't wear that! This is a frat party!" I hiss.

"And I want to date a frat boy! Now come on!" She exclaims, her golden hair bouncing like her playful tone.

I follow Shannon into the kitchen where people are standing around drinking, some already drunk. She tries to hand me a cup but I politely decline. She pouts in response but quickly shrugs it off before getting herself a cup. Next, she drags me out to a balcony where it's a little bit calmer.

"Now we wait for boys to approach us," Shannon instructs before taking a long sip of her drink.

"That's not happening," I mutter.

"Gosh stop being so negative Char. I know you just broke up with your rotten boyfriend and all, but it's been  long enough. It's time to move on and there's plenty of boys here to choose from," she replies with one of her perfect smiles. "Oh look! Here come boys now!"

I look to my right and see Harry and Louis striding towards us, each with a cup in their hand.

"Charlotte! Glad you could make it! Harry would have been so disappointed if you hadn't come!" Louis cheers.

Harry elbows Louis hard in the ribs and Louis just raises his eyebrows at him in response.

"Lou! I'm glad I came. The house is nice!" I exclaim before giving Louis a big hug.

Louis nods at me before whispering,"I'll catch up with you later. Shan looks like a goddess tonight and has already downed a drink or two. Tonight might be the night I finally get her to fall for me huh?"

I chuckle as I watch Louis leave and head over to Shannon. She greets him with a big hug and the two instantly get enveloped in conversation.

"Charlotte! You look hot! I never took you as a party girl!" Harry says, looking me over.

Instantly, I feel blood rush to my cheeks and I know I must be blushing. I mentally roll my eyes at myself for letting Harry's words have so much affect on me.

"I guess you underestimated my character," I reply haughtily, trying to hide the fact that my face is bright red. "I never took you as a frat boy, Harry."

"I guess you underestimated my character," he shoots back with a wink.

I hit him playfully and laugh, impressed with his wit. "I see you don't have a drink. Do you want to go get one?"

"Oh no thanks. This is my first time here and I want to try to keep from doing anything embarrassing," I reply.

Harry looks back at me, his pink lips in a pout.

"You're no fun Charlotte. You're such a goody two shoes," Harry says before sticking his tongue out at me. I put one hand over my heart and pretend to be offended.

"I'll have you know that I am not a goody two shoes and I am plenty of fun. Tonight I may not drink, but I will dance," I reply in a flirty tone that surprises Harry and myself.

Harry playfully licks his lips as I grab him by the wrist and pull him over to the dance floor. We dance next to each other, our bodies moving to the catchy upbeat music. The time passes by quickly and after a long stretch of upbeat music, a slow song comes on.

I place my arms on Harry's shoulders and wait for him to put his arms around my waist. Instead, he hesitates and gives me an unsure look, almost like he's asking for my permission.

I find it funny because all the other guys I've dated or hung out with wouldn't have hesitated to snake their arms around a girl. I can tell Harry is a natural gentleman so it's a nice change.

"Harry, it's alright for you to touch me," I laugh before taking his hands and putting them on my waist.

He looks down at his hands, then up at me. When our eyes meet, his lips split into a gorgeous smile. I put my hands back on his shoulders and we sway to the music. As the first slow song begins to end and fade into the next slow song, I feel Harry relax a little more and he doesn't become as stiff. He stops and twirls me, making me laugh.

He pulls me in closer and gasp at the sudden proximity of his face to mine. It's merely inches away and I can feel his cool breath against my skin. I have to bite my lip to keep from smiling.

"And here I was thinking you couldn't dance," I whisper in his ear.

He chuckles in return before spinning me around and pulling my in close again. Then, he takes his hand and gently sweeps a few strands of hair out of my face. I feel my cheeks heat up as his green eyes stare intently into mine.

My heart is beating wildly in my chest and I have to try to control my breathing. I look into his and eyes and can't help but wonder what he's thinking and feeling in this exact moment.
His lips part but whatever he says, I don't hear it.

All is see is a raven haired boy with olive skin and tattoos heading upstairs with some random girl.

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