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"Where's Nell?" Callen asked as he walked into OPS.

Eric turned around to face their team leader.

"I don't know." He replied softly. He had been concerned over his partner's disappearance, after she had seen Pavlo's picture up on the screen.

"Right. Thanks, Eric." Callen's mind turned over as he thought where she could be. He thought back to three years ago, after she had been given the green light to return to work. He had found her in the shower room, huddled on the floor in a corner. He left OPS and ran down the stairs, determined to find her.

Callen walked swiftly, but quietly as he entered the ladies shower room. He hoped none of the female agents were in there, changing. He sighed with relief when he found Nell in the same place. He crouched down next to her on the floor.

"Nell!" She turned and looked at him. "We will get him. I promised you that three years ago."

Nell could see Callen's determination in his eyes. She remained quiet, unsure where to begin. She had trusted him to keep her secret and she knew he had. But now this case had brought it all back. The strength she thought she had gained since rebuilding her life, floundered the moment she saw his evil face. She hadn't even told Eric what had happened. She didn't know if she ever could. Nell didn't want him to worry about her or see pity in his eyes every time he looked at her.

"I thought I could get over it." She finally whispered. She swallowed hard and licked her lips from nerves. "I haven't told anyone about what happened, G. I can't."

Callen gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

"There's no need for you to tell anyone, Nell, if you don't want to. You've seen a psychologist, you've talked about it and received treatment." Callen paused as he thought back to three years ago. He had found Nell stripped of her clothes, bloodied and extremely pale in colour. Her body shook from shock and the cold. It had ripped his heart open to find her like that. No one deserved to suffer like she had. He had promised her he would find the monster who had done this to her and kill him. Unfortunately, no opportunity had arisen since for him to fulfil his promise to her.

"Eric." Nell croaked out. Her emotions were all over the place. "I can't have him know." She shook her head. "We've been seeing each other for ten months."

Callen raised his brow and smiled.

"About time you admitted that something was going on between you two." He was happy that she had managed to get over her ordeal and trust a man again. He understood the effects rape and torture had to the soul, from the abusive foster fathers he'd had and the numerous occasions he had been tortured in the line of duty. Callen had stood beside Nell and supported her through her treatment, without any other members of the team knowing about it. He felt the responsibility on ensuring each member of his team were safe and happy.

"You knew?" She asked surprised. She thought they had successfully hid it from them.

Callen nodded.

"I think you'll find everyone knows, Nell." He admitted.

Nell blushed.


"But don't worry, I won't tell them about your Sunday breakfasts with Eric down by the boardwalk, if you won't tell them about mine with Bronte."

He had seen her and Eric after all, Nell realised. Nell smiled, through her tear streaked face.

"You looked really happy, G. I was surprised you knew how to sign. Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Callen hesitated, before he told her why.

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