LOST TOO MUCH Chapter 23

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Hilton Checkers Hotel, Los Angeles

Deeks and Kensi entered the Hilton dressed up for the night out. Deeks was in a navy suit and baby blue shirt that made him look every bit the part of the lawyer that he was. Martin Davies escorted his lovely wife, Jennifer, to the front desk. "Mr and Mrs Davies. We have a reservation."

"Welcome to the Hilton, Mr and Mrs Davies. Please sign here and may I please see some form of identification."

Deeks pulled out his alias' drivers licence and nibbled on his wife's ear, to scan the lobby area of the hotel. Kensi looked in the other direction, but neither could see anyone linked with the Formosa Cartel.

"Here is your key. You're in one of our Junior Suites on the fifteenth floor." Deeks looked at the number and smiled at his partner. "Thank you very much. I'm sure we'll enjoy our stay." He led his so called wife to the elevator and captured her lips for all around them to see, as they waited for the lift doors to open. It was imperative for any guests or hotel staff not to suspect them to be Federal Agents.

Ops Centre

Nell and Eric had pulled through and found the information that they needed. In one of the other Junior Suites, Mr and Mrs Nassir were booked in and according to surveillance cameras, they entered thirty minutes earlier than Kensi and Deeks. Although they looked to be alone, Nell and Eric noticed the three men who hovered around them.

"Okay, Sam and Gibbs. You're turn to clean some windows on the fifteenth floor." It was the easiest floor for them to arrive onto to clean the windows, with the patio that stretched around the suites from the Presidential suite. With the bucket and squeegee in hand, the two agents posed as window cleaners began to get to work. They began with the Presidential suite before moving along to the Junior suites. "Okay, Callen. You're up."

Dressed in a waiter's outfit, Callen knocked on the suite where the Nassirs were booked into. "Your meal has arrived, Sir." Callen pretended to be a Russian, putting on his usual accent when undercover. Thankfully, Mick answered the door and relief washed over their agent, who was relieved to know that the team had come up with a plan to rescue him and his wife, Melissa.

Another man stood in the room and was annoyed over Callen being there. "We did not order anything." He came over and told Callen after he'd wheeled the trolley into the room.

Deeks timed it perfectly, coming in behind him, telling Callen that it was their order, picking up on the Columbian's protest for the food. "Excuse me, Sir, but this is the suite where I was instructed to bring the food to. I cannot just deliver to anyone who comes chasing after me, telling me that it's their food." Callen continued to argue with Deeks, as Kensi, who was crouched down underneath the trolley and hidden by the cloth, peeped out and found her target. She blew a dart laced with a sleeping sedative into his leg and waited for him to collapse. Please that her work was complete, she climbed out from underneath the trolley and handed Mick a weapon. DiNozzo knocked on the door, stating that he was called up due to some misunderstanding. Deeks and Callen both tried to explain their side of the misunderstanding, while Mick whispered to Kensi that Melissa was in the bathroom with the other two men.

"Someone's leaving the bathroom." Gibbs quietly called through on the comms, giving the other agents the heads up. Kensi hid behind the curtain as the second man entered the bedroom. Surprised to see the commotion still going on, he looked puzzled as to where his companion had gone to. Kensi walked up behind him and inserted another dart into his neck. He went down immediately, leaving one last man with Melissa.

Sam quietly cut into the glass of the bathroom and peeped through. Melissa sat in the bathtub, with her captor sitting on the toilet seat, holding a gun. He recognised the frustrations surging through the Columbian. From the photos that Nell and Eric had sent through, he knew that this was the new head of the Formosa Cartel. It was easier than they thought, to fool the Columbian and to chop the head off the cartel on their home turf. Sam fired his weapon through the hole and hit Adán Formosa in the head. He slumped to the floor and blood poured out onto the ceramic tiles. Melissa screamed and Mick ran in with his weapon held out front. Kensi and Callen followed and relief flooded their system that Adán Formosa and his men had been taken without a hitch.

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