LOST TOO MUCH Chapter 10

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As Callen jumped into his car, Sam quickly jumped in beside him. "Sam!" Callen looked over at his partner. He had hoped to go alone.

"I'm coming with you, G." Sam gave him the 'do not argue with me' look.

Callen sighed and started the engine. The conversation was non existent between the two men as Callen drove madly to Kristin's house. Sam held his tongue knowing the worry that must be going through his partner's mind at that moment. As they pulled up outside, they noticed a black SUV parked across the road.

"They're being watched, G." Sam stated.

Concern crossed Callen's face as Sam rang Eric with the vehicle's detail. He climbed out of the car and walked up the path to the front door. He rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. He noticed a neighbour watching him, he walked over to speak with her.

"Hi. I'm an old friend of Kristin's. Do you know where I can find her? It's really important."

The woman studied Callen. "You're Michael's father, aren't you? He sure does look like you."

Having the neighbour say those words hit Callen hard. Kristin had told him he wasn't the boy's father so he had left them alone. He thought they were probably safer and happier without him anyway. "Please, I need to get in touch with Kristin urgently."

"She works down the road at the local Childcare Centre." She told him the address.

"Thank you. If those men in that black SUV ask for anything, tell them nothing. It's really important that you don't." She could see the worry in his eyes.

"Okay." She watched him run back to his car and sped off. She suddenly felt the eyes of the occupants from the black SUV were now on her, she walked back inside and locked her doors. She rang her husband to tell him she didn't feel safe and that she had locked herself inside their house.

"Go down into the basement." He urged her as he dialled LAPD on his office phone. "Do it now, Shelly."

"I'm going." Shelly Bishop quickly locked the basement door and hid down in one of the corners behind an old trunk. She could hear someone banging upstairs and started to tremble from fear of what those men wanted. The boy's father seemed worried about their neighbours and she wondered who he was and how he knew something was wrong. She hoped he found Kristin quickly and took her and the boy somewhere safe.

"Hello. Mrs Bishop. We want to ask you a few questions about your neighbour, Kristin Donnelly." Shelly was glad she had hidden down in the basement.

A gunshot rang out and the front door to the Bishop's home splintered and opened from a kick by one of the men from the black SUV. They scoured the home and were surprised they couldn't find her anywhere.

"Do you think she fled out back? She looked worried after talking to that guy in the jag." One of them asked the other.

"It's possible. Boss is not going to be happy if we lose her. She can help us find the woman and her son." Sirens could be heard coming closer to their location. "We have to leave. She's rung the cops."

Shelly sighed with relief when she heard the men leave and the sirens getting louder. She texted her husband to tell him the men had kicked in the door and they were in the house looking for her until they heard the sirens. She had heard their conversation from down below and she worried over her neighbour. They had become good friends over the years, and she'd helped Kristin out taking care of Michael after she had kicked her fiancé out a few years ago. Something about him having a criminal record that she knew nothing about. She didn't want anyone like him around her boy. She had also told her the boy's real father had suddenly showed up after six years of nothing. So she had told him Michael wasn't his, just to get rid of him. But Michael's father had returned when Kristin seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

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