LOST TOO MUCH Chapter 11

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The hours waiting for the DNA results were killing Callen. The desperation he felt to have a living blood relation was strong indeed for the seasoned agent, who had lived for so long alone. If Michael was his son, he was now at risk of being killed by Vasile if he found out the truth. But if Michael wasn't, it meant the boy was a Comescu. It tore at him on the inside. He tried to hide his emotions but Bronte and Sam could see through his defences. They noticed Callen had kept himself detached from the boy, as if it was just another case. But within, he was fighting a battle.

Sam looked over at his partner with concern written over his face. "G! Are you going to be okay working on this case?"

"I can't get my head around this, Sam. How did I end up in a relationship with the same woman as Vasile Comescu? What are the likelihood of that happening?" He and Sam were set away from the others in the boat shed, keeping their voices low.

"You were undercover, G. As far as anyone knows, Jason Tedrow was in a relationship with Kristin after Vasile, not you. They went after Boyd thinking he was a risk, but Kristin kicked him out a few years ago. Their intel is old, G. The Comescus are not strong like they used to be. Whatever the outcome of the DNA test, G, we can keep Michael safe from Vasile.

An abandoned warehouse—Culver City

Vasile Comescu threw his hired help hard against the brick wall. "What do you mean you've lost track of them?"

"Some guy in a jag stopped by, spoke with the neighbour and sped off. The neighbour quickly went inside, but she must have called the cops, because when we broke inside the house, she was gone, and the sirens were coming closer. We had to leave."

He held his weapon against the rear of the man's head. "You're useless to me. Now I have to do this myself." He pulled the trigger and watched the man slump to the floor. He turned to the dead man's companion and shot him in the head. Two bodies laid in pools of blood from Vasile's cold blooded kill shots. He wiped his hands clean on a rag before he left the warehouse. He would have to wait for Kristin to return to her house.

Boat Shed

Callen's cell rang. "Callen."

"We have the DNA results for you, Mr Callen. Can you please come by the hospital soon?"

"Okay, will do. Thank you, Dr Long." Callen disconnected the call and looked over to Bronte. "I think it's time we visited your Mother."

Bronte could see Callen was screaming to get out of the boat shed. She turned and whispered to Kensi and Deeks before she left with Callen.

"Wait till Callen and I have gone. Then you take Kristin back to her house. Deeks, you go in the car with Kristin, pretend to be her latest boyfriend and Michael is having a sleepover. If the house is being watched it will provide your cover. Kensi will head in through the rear of the property, for backup. We need Sam to stay here to look after Michael. We need to ensure Kristin wears a vest. Callen will kill us if anything happens to her." Deeks and Kensi nodded.

"We need to do this before Kristin hears the DNA results."

Deeks and Kensi watched her leave with their team leader. They gave each other a worried look as they thought over the plan one more time. They moved over to Sam and relaid the plan to him. It made sense to Sam as he could see how close his partner was to the case. He nodded. "Good plan."

They didn't have time to call in other agents to look after Michael or support Deeks and Kensi. He hoped nothing happened to Kristin as well, as he knew how Callen would lose it, if Kristin is hurt, or worse, killed, by allowing her to be used as bait. He could see how much Callen did not like the idea as it was. He worried though, how they were going ahead with this plan of Bronte's while Callen was out of the loop.

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