An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 19

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I hated this feeling. I wished that I didn't have to wake up any longer, and the pounding on the door didn't help any.

"Dudes like f*ck off please," I yelled at whoever was banging on the door.

"Leandra you are going to open up this door and face the consequences of your actions," Mr. Stephens yelled.

"Actually I am going to go and have a shower," I said before closing the bathroom door and started the water. After about a 45 minute shower I was feeling a little better. I loved to drink but I hated waking up in the morning.

I walked out of the bathroom, thank god fully dressed, because sitting on my bed was Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and Gabriel.

"Oh come on guys, what if I walked out of there in my birthday suit, that would have just been awkward," I said going over and sitting on one of the chairs knowing that this conversation wasn't going to be a short one.

"We know it was you that rigged the music last night," Mr. Stephens started.

"Really and what gave you that idea. Was it the shear brilliance behind the plan, or the fact that you know I love sabotaging you," I said just trying to push their buttons.

"You will listen young lady, we brought you here to marry our son and we wont have you ruining our reputation in the process. You are going to learn how to be a polite young lady, and how to act in a crowd," Mrs. Stephens said to me.

"No," was all I said.

"Excuse me?"

"No, I didn't want to be brought here, that was your choice and now you are the one that has to deal with it not me. I am not going to change who I am just because you bought me. I didn't get the money, I didn't get the choice, but now I do. I choose not to change who I am just because some stuck up rich people don't like how I act in public. You wanted a daughter, well congratulations you finally got one, to bad she hates you more then anything in the world," I said quite calmly.

I think I stunned them because no one said anything after that. They all just got up and left my room and I went back to bed, trying to get rid of this headache.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I was awaken by the sounds of my cell phone ringing.

"Hello darling," my mother said when I picked up the phone. I froze I didn't even know what to think right now.

"What you are not going to say hi to your mother," she said.

"Hi," I forced out once my mind started working again.

"I am just phoning to let you know that Rob and Sheryl have filled me in on what you have been doing since you got there and I have got to say that I am not pleased with you,"

"And what makes you think that I give a sh!t that you are not pleased. It is your selfish behavior that got me stuck here in the first place," I said, really glad that my mind is fully working again.

"Well, your father and I have just phoned to let you know that if you can't make it work out with the Stephens then you are NOT welcome back here with us," She said with little to no emotion in her voice.

"Wait, let me get this straight, you are now blackmailing me. As if you haven't done enough to ruin my life," I said astonished at what my mother was saying.

"It's not blackmail, its just incentive to get you to make the right choice,"

"Bullsh!t it is, you are basically disowning me," I shouted at her.

"Take it what ever way you want," she said.

"If you think that I wanted to come back and live with you at anytime you must be on some heavy duty drugs, because there is no way I want to live with the people that ruined my life," and with that I hung up the phone and finally I snapped. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens are about to see my full force.

I ran out of my room and found Mr. and Mrs. Stephens sitting on the couch, with looks on their faces saying that they knew what my family had just told me.

"You know, I have actually been nice since I got here, but this, this is the last straw. If you think my mother and father disowning me is going to make things better, then you are dumber than you look. You are about to see what the daughter from hell really looks like," with that I turned out of the sitting room and headed back down to my room. Unfortunately I ran into Gabriel on the way.

"Leandra what's wrong?" He asked after stopping me from storming away.

"You want to know what my problem is. Your stupid f*cking parents have persuaded my parents to disown me unless I marry you stupid ugly ass. I just wish you would die so that I could get out of this f*cking deal. Better yet, maybe I should die, I am the one with no chance in hell of changing my circumstances," I finished and tried to pull my hand out of his grip, "Let go of me."

"No, you are going to go and do something stupid," he said looking actually worried about my well being.

"I already did something stupid... I came here," With that I punched him in the face and felt the satisfying crack beneath my fists. That made him let go of my quickly.

I ran up to my room cracked another bottle and thought of ways to get me out of this hell I call my life.

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