An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 32

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I was walking into school on Monday looking as confident as ever, but inside I was shaking like a little puppy. I really didn't know what to expect from Antonio.

"How are you holding up," Adam asked me as we walked to my locker.

"Just fine why?" I asked grabbing my books out of my locker.

"Oh I don't know, because your psycho Ex wants to kidnap you,"

"There is nothing I can do about it so I mine as well not worry about it too much," I said and left him to go to English with Jesse, Kevin and Kelly.

I sat down and Antonio sat down behind me again.

"I am so looking forward to watching you at cheer practice tonight. You know how much I like watching you jump around in little outfits," He whispered in my ear as the teacher was going on about... something.... I couldn't really concentrate with Antonio talking to me.

English felt like it took forever, luckily I had Chemistry without Antonio and helping Lance always made the class go so much faster.

The teacher was still going on about Organic Chemistry, it was so easy that I didn't even pay attention anymore, all of my attention was on Lance who was still struggling.

"So this one would have a parent chain of eight with side chains on three and five, right?" Lance asked me.

"Yeah, so what would you call it?" I asked him, I always found that if you gave him a little shove in the right direction he could always find his way.

"It would be 3,5-methyloctene," He said.

"See you know this," I said encouraging him.

Chemistry ended and Math was just like English with Antonio breathing down my neck the whole time. Making very inappropriate comments about what was going to happen at my cheer practice, well more like what he would do after my cheer practice.

"Thank God it is lunch, I am so ready for this f*cking day to be over, I mean why the hell does this sh!t happen to me. Karma really is a b!tch some times," I said sitting down at our usual table.

"Come on it can't be that bad," Derrick said I just glared at him.

"Oh no, did you have your psycho mob boss Ex making sexual innuendoes and you and him all morning?"

"Well no,"

"Well then how the f*ck would you know that it couldn't be that f*cking bad,"

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you,"

"I'm sorry, I just have all of this pent up rage and I am taking it out on you guys and that is not fair to any of you," I said going back to eating my lunch, or at least pushing it around on my plate.

"Don't worry, we wont hold it against you," Jesse said. Thats why I love that kid, he doesn't take anything seriously and can always make me feel a little better.

"Well at least I only have one more class with the @ss today," I said as lunch finished and I was heading to biology with Jessica and Kevin.

Biology was just another boring class, man that teacher could make anything boring.

Gym was another story, Antonio AND Kaleb decided that they were going to try and drive me insane, and lets just say that it was working. I don't think I could take much more of it, luckily the bell rang and I had to go and get changed for cheer practice, with Tiffany....

Yeah that sounds so much better...

I thought as I headed back out onto the field and noticed that everyone stayed to watch including Antonio and Kaleb.

"Leandra it is so nice to have you back with us," Mrs. Zelasky said as I walked out to where all the girls were.

"I am glad to be back," I said and began stretching out and trying some minor tricks to make sure that my leg could take it.

"Well Tiffany here has prepared a cheer so lets give her the floor and see what she has come up with,"

She began moving in ways that strippers would be to innocent to try, I mean it was making me and every one, except the guys, sick.

I ran over and shut off the music, "Someone better get this girl a f*cking pole, because I am pretty sure she could make a living with it."

"Hey I am the captain and I will decide what is inappropriate or not," She said running up to me.

"Well if you couldn't figure out that that was way to inappropriate then I don't think that you should be captain anymore," I said getting up in her face.

"Well you don't decide that, and there is no way that I will back down," She said.

"Then I challenge you to a cheer off, if you win I will leave the team and you can do whatever the hell you want to them. But if I win I get to be captain and you wont get a say in anything that is done with the team... Deal."

"Who will decide who wins," she said as a stall tactic.

"Well the crowed will cheer but Mrs. Zelasky will make the final decision.

"Fine then you are on," and with that we began.

She started and began 'dancing' the way she was before I stopped the music.

When she was done I walked over to her and said, "This is a cheer off, which means... oh I don't know... YOU SHOULD CHEER!"

I walked into the centre of the field and took me stance, I started out by doing some of my easier tricks then I began to cheer just to piss Tiffany off.

"U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly eh eh you ugly," I said pointing to Tiffany then I started doing some of my harder tricks by making sure that my leg could still handle it.

"Thats alright thats okay your gonna pump my gas some day, thats alright thats okay your gonna pump my gas some day," Then I just ended with a couple more tricks before the whole crowed and cheer squad broke out in cheer.

"Well looks like Leandra here is our new cheer captain," Mrs. Zelasky said.

Tiffany was pissed but I got to say that I was feeling way better about my day. At least I got to put someone in their place today.

I headed home with every one still talking about the cheer off and how absolutely amazing I was.

"I know I know I am amazing but you can stop talking about it now," I said laughing at them.

"I don't think we can, I mean that was just amazing, I knew you were good but you kicked her @ss with a slightly messed up leg," Kira said laughing.

"Well you guys keep talking about me I am going to go swimming," I said as we pulled into the garage. I got out and ran to my room quickly changing and heading to the pool.

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