An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 23

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"Well you know how I told you I went through that rough patch after Amy died. You know how I became a dugged up alcoholic," I said trying to give him a back ground to the story.

"Yeah, you told me all this awhile ago. I want to know who you guys were talking about that made you react like that," He said talking about the panic attack I had not fifteen minutes ago.

"Right after it happened I really didn't have a problem, sure I was depressed and had lost alot of weight because I couldn't bring myself to eat. But the real problems started what I met Antonio or Tony Novaciak (Pronounces Nova-check). He is the leader of the small, but powerful mob that is run out of my home town,"

"Wait, you dated a mob boss?" He asked amazed.

"Yes, well when we started dating I really didn't know what he did, I just knew that for some reason he could fill the whole left in me from Amy's death. I became dependent on him, at first he was my drug, I just couldn't picture my life without him in it. After I was dependent on him, I became dependent on the drugs that he could provide for me. That was when I found out what he was, about five months after we started dating, six months after Amy's funeral,"

"Why didn't you dump him after you found out what he was?" Gabriel asked, almost sounding mad.

"I couldn't, he provided me with what I needed, drugs and what I thought was love. Come on, we were even planning to get married. He was everything that I wanted even though a part of me knew that it wasn't right, that I was going to get hurt. And man was I right."

"I was sitting in his warehouse, cliché I know but I was hitting up with Bobby, his younger brother when Tony came busting in dragging another man. That is when I got my first real glimpse at what Tony really was.

"I sat there and watched him kill that man, I didn't know who he was or what he did, but I know that no one deserved to die that way. I mean what if he had a family, I just couldn't imagine. It was then that I realized that I had to get out of here, but there was still that part of me that was dependent on this life style."

"It took me another four months to get out of there. After watching him kill three more people. I got out and I went into hiding, which is hard when you are going through with drawl. He eventually found me and... and..." I just couldn't tell him the rest. I knew that he would freak out and I didn't want him to go and get himself killed, I cared about him enough to never wish that on him. I mean there is NO WAY he could ever take on Tony. I mean I barely could.

"Don't worry you can tell me," He said in a very quiet manner.

"I will tell you but you have to promise that if Tony is coming here you wont do anything about it, I wont let you get killed because of me," I said pleading with him.


"NO I need you to PROMISE me that you wont do anything about it,"

"I promise, I won't do anything about it," He said grabbing my hands and looking my straight in the eyes, but I couldn't meet his gaze, not when i had to tell him my worst memory.

"He tried to kill me..."


"He found me in a dark alley and I was to tired and weak to fight much. He grabbed my arm and said that I had to come back with him, I tried to get out of his grip, I was screaming telling him that I didn't love him anymore, that I didn't want to be with him. I used what strength I had and I hit him. But that just pissed him off more."

"He pulled out the knife so fast I didn't even realize what happened until I felt the cold metal pierce my skin and make its way inbetween my ribs. That didn't hurt as much as when he pulled it back out though."

"I fell to the ground and I knew that this was it, there was no way that a druggy like myself would ever survive this. Before he left me there to die, he leaned down and whispered, 'If I can't have you, then no one ever will.'"

"This was the day I met Kevin and Kelly, they were the ones that found me in the alley and called 911. It was also in the hospital that my mother and father found out about my drug problem. They didn't even care that I just about died, they were just pissed off that I could have ruined there reputation if this drug thing ever got out into to press." Thats when I broke and started crying, not even caring if Gabriel was in the room, this was one of the worst memories of my life. It was the day that I realized I was nothing to my parents.

Gabriel moved to sit beside me and pulled me into his arms and just rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down. It was kind of working, I could feel myself calming down and the tears began to slow down until they finally came to a stop.

"Thank you, I think I needed that," I sail pulling away from him and wiping the tears off of my cheeks.

"I told you that I would always be here for you," He joked trying to make me feel a little better.

"Yeah, I am even beginning to believe that. Which is scaring me," I finally admitted to him.

Hey mind as well get everything out in the open in one night... Makes it easier i guess.

"And what do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Well the last two people that I trusted like I am beggining to trust you left me. One died and the other tried to kill me. And truthfully I can't go through something like that again which is why this is going to end tonight. You can love me, but I will never be able to feel that way about you,"

"Don't say that. You don't know what will happen, what if this is what was supposed to happen. How do you know that I am not the guy that was made for you," He pleaded almost despratly.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe in that, and in truth, I think I have lost that part of my heart a long time ago. I'm sorry but can you just leave, I can't deal with this right now," I said trying to pull away from him.

"No, I am not going to let you throw away what could be the best thing in your life because your scared," He said and that made me snap. I pulled up the shirt that I was wearing and showed hin the scar that was located right below my left boob, centimeters away from my heart.

"This is why I am scared, this is why I don't trust any one that way anymore. This is what happened the last time I tried to love anyone. I know that you are not a mob boss and that you probably wont mean to hurt me, but you still will some how. This scar is a reminder of what happened when i gave my heart away, the guy littlerally tried to cut it out of my chest. So don't you go around and tell me that I shouldn't be scarred, when I have every right to be," I yelled at him through the tears.

"I think its time for you to leave Gabriel," Kelly said walking into my room.

Without another word Gabriel got up and left and Kelly came over and gave me another big hug.

Why did Tony have to ruin my life when I was just starting to make it work again...

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