Chapter Fourteen-The Rain

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I wake up, and instantly notice a mop of hair in my face.

"Jesus Christ Patrick..." I mutter, sitting up. He stirs, but doesn't wake up.

They say people look younger when they're asleep, and it's true, apparently. He could have easily passed for eighteen. Thing is, it's not your face that looks younger. When you're asleep, you have this innocence about you, since you're not thinking of any stressing things. And he's even cuter when he wakes up. His eyes stay dilated for a few minutes, and his hair's all messy. (A/N Whoah stalkerish...) I smile slightly, and lightly push myself up from the couch. I walk over to the window, peeking through the blinds. We're cruising down I-12, heading for New Orleans.

When we get to the hotel, we instantly start looking for stuff to do.

"Zoo! We could go to the zoo!" Pete exclaims, but everyone says no to that.

"I don't really feel like ogling at fish." I sigh, looking on the New Orleans Tourism website. "We could go to the park near the French Quarter and the chapel instead of the zoo or aquarium?"

"I like that," Joe shrugs.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Josh shrugs.

"Or we could go to the IMAX theater." Patrick suggests.

"Nah, that takes too long." Brendon whines.

"To the park!" Dallon shouts, leaping up from his position beside me on the edge of my bed. I laugh, and run after him to the door. I hear someone sigh, and roll my eyes. We all pile into the elevator, and Brendon immediately starts Vining.


Patrick and I sit down under a live oak, me taking pictures of the chapel and French style buildings. Suddenly, thunder booms.

"What?!" I exclaim, jumping up. "The forecast only said thirty percent chance!"

"Never know around here!" a teenage girl shouts as she struts past. I notice she's wearing a black Fall Out Boy shirt, her chocolate brown hair swishing over and around her shoulders. "It can go from sunny and 75 to storming and sixty!" she walks out of the park, and hops into a car.

"Ugh." I grunt as Patrick stands up. "Guess we're gonna be rained in today." Suddenly, I feel raindrops.

"Patrick! Cole! C'mon!" Brendon laughs as they run for cover.

"Nah," I smirk, turning back to Patrick.

And that's how I got my first kiss in the rain.


Yay filler chapter

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