Chapter Thirty: Lose It

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Months passed, and it became summer. I decided that it was time for me to finally do something that I had been desperately avoiding.

I'm going back.

"Hey, 'Trick?" I call, walking through the apartment to the dining room, where he's working on some lyrics for a new song.

"Yeah?" He asks, his head shooting up from the paper, smiling when his eyes lock onto mine. I smile softly back, taking a feep breath.

"Can we, uh...go somewhere?" I ask awkwardly, bouncing lightly on the balls of my feet.

"Sure, where?" He beams, closing his notebook and standing up.

" house?" It comes out like a question, and I cringe.

"Like...that house?" He asks, and when I nod, he sighs.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Positive," I confirm, and he nods, enveloping me in his warm embrace.

"Alright. Do you need to change?" He asks, and I nod, smiling. I quickly make my way to the bedroom, picking out black, knee-length leggings, a Soul Punk shirt, and my navy vans. I quickly do my makeup, grab my purse, and jog downstairs, to find Patrick waiting for me.

"You sure about this?" he asks as we walk to the car, and I nod, gripping his hand tightly.


"This is it," I sigh as Patrick turns into the driveway of the two-story home.

"Wow, it's...big," he says, and I snort.

"That's what she said," I smirk, out of the car and walking up to the front door as he rolls his eyes. I pluck the spare key out from under the rug, twisting it into the lock and pushing the wooden door open.

"Welcome to Casa de Hurley," I smile as he looks around.

"This looks so...normal," he mutters, and I nod, taking his hand.

"C'mon, I...let's go up to my room."

"Are you sure?" Patrick asks, cupping my cheek gently, and I nod, placing my hand over his for a moment.

We walk upstairs, past the photos framed on the wall, fake smiles boring holes into my soul. After what seems like an eternity, we finally reach the end of the hall.

"Here it is," I say quietly, turning the doorknob and stepping in. It looks to have been cleaned, but I notice something under the pristinely-made bed.

A box.

I pull it out and set it on the comforter, gazing at its contents.

"Is that..." Patrick asks, and I cut him off with a nod.

Then I burst into tears.

After recovering from my sob session, which was basically Patrick and I lying on my bed, my head on his chest while I cried, I grabbed some stuff from around my room.

We eventually left, but instead of going home, Patrick turns into a park.

"Where are we going?" I ask, but he just smiles, and keeps driving.

Then I see it: the gazebo, still lit up and sparkling on the lake. He stops the car, and walks around to open my door for me, forever a gentleman.

"Happy anniversary, love," he smiles, kissing my cheek, and I beam, taking his hand as we walk up onto the wood surface.

"I never knew a year could go by so fast," I say, smiling softly, and he smiles, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Time flies when you're having fun," he grins, and I laugh, hitting his shoulder lightly at the use of the cliché.

"I love you so much," I smile, and his facial expression copies mine, but a hint of nervousness flashes across his face.

"Coraline, baby, I knew you were special from the day I met you. You were so cute and lovable, but once you told me what you had been through, I knew you were more than that.'re my world, my moon, my galaxy, my universe. You are as beautiful as all of those things, and as every other good thing in the universe. I can't imagine a world without you in it. You brought a whole new light into my world. If you told me a year ago that a beautiful girl like you would love me almost as much as I love her, I would have laughed at you. we are," he says, getting down on one knee.

"Cor, will you marry me?"


btw this is gonna end soon lol

This May Take Some Time and Effort. [Fall Out Boy/Patrick Stump fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now