Chapter Thirty-Two: Crooked Smile

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"You feel better now?" he asks, and I shrug. We spent the day doing all my favorite things (he even let me teach him some dance stuff-he's really good), but I still didn't feel better, when it came down to it. Sure, I was happier, but I still felt like a sack of shit.

"Not really," I shrug, and he pouts, pulling me into a hug in the middle of the kitchen.

"Is anything I do going to make you feel better?" he asks sadly, and I sigh.

"I honestly don't know."

He sighs, holding me tighter and tucking my head under his chin. "I wish that, when you looked in the mirror, you saw what I see. You...God, I can't even explain it. You are perfect because you are not perfect. You have flaws, but those just make you even cuter. Your thighs jiggle when you walk? I find that adorable. You don't have a flat stomach? So what? I love your squishy tummy. It wouldn't be as comfortable if you had abs. You think your butt's too small? Psh, I think you have a great ass, if I do say so myself. You're so gorgeous, but somehow, you still care about an idiot like me. To me, you are perfect. You are the most beutiful girl I have ever seen, and whenever you put yourself down, it makes me want to cry that someone so lovely hates herself so much.'re my fianceé, Cor. I can't stand to see you upset. I love you so, so much. You focus on what you 'lack,'"-he makes air quotes here-"instead of what you rock. I know I have no room to talk, but..."

By the end of his speech, I had tears dripping down my cheeks. I wasn't fully crying, not yet-just letting a few out. I sniffle a bit, and Patrick notices, tilting my chin up so that our eyes meet.

"Baby, no, don't cry," he mutters, and I wipe the tears away, regaining my composure.

"I-I'm good," I say weakly, and he smiles softly, taking both of my hands in his. "I...I don't know what to say."

"Say that I helped, even just a little," he says desperately, and I smile softly, nodding.

"Oh, thank God," he beams, kissing me deeply. "I'm so happy."

"I am too," I mutter, and he pulls me into the living room. I plop down on the couch, and he turns on the Xbox Kinect, Blue trotting into the room seconds later and curling up at my feet.

"Patrick, really?" I laugh, and he nods, a grin creeping onto his face. "It's like seven."

"So? Seven is the perfect time for an impromptu dance party," he argues, and I smile, rolling my eyes and standing up.

"'Ight. Get ready to get your ass beat, though." I stand up, and he lets me select the first song. It's really funny watching him fumble and mess up while I just go through it easily, and when we're done for the night, he pouts.

"Not fair. You dance."

"Then why did you challenge me?" I laugh, throwing my hands up.

"I dunno. You look cute when you're concentrating," he says, shrugging, and I laugh, shaking my head.

"You confuse me."

"That's one of my many talents," he smiles, pecking my lips and plopping down on the couch, turning the TV back to the regular stations.

"Cuddle with me, baby," he whines, holding out his arms, and I sigh, crossing my arms.

"Nope. You lost."

His face goes slack, and his jaw drops.


"Yep, you lost. So, no cuddles," I say, shrugging to hide the smile threatening to spill onto my face.

"Baaaabe," he whines, and I shake my head, walking into the kitchen to get food. As soon as I grab a bag of chips, though, I feel arms lift me up off of the ground.

"If I have to kidnap you to get cuddles, I will."

"Is this a hostage situation?" I ask, holding back a laugh.

"Oh my God, shut up," he says, blushing severely. I laugh, pressing a kiss to his jaw.

"It's okay. I won't shame you."

"I'm going to drop you if you don't stop," he threatens, and I shrug, laughing.

"Okay, okay. I'm done," I smile, and he finally smiles a bit, setting me down on the arm of the couch.


"Let me see the dark sides as well as the bright, I'm gonna love you inside out," I sing softly, figuring out how the lyrics are going to sound. I don't notice Patrick walk into the room, or the fact that he's standing right behind me, until he wraps his arms around my shoulders and rests his chin on the top of my head.

I jump, successfully making him bite his tongue. He lets out a swear, and I gasp.

"I'm sorry!" I say, trying not to laugh.

"Mhm. Now that my tongue is essentially bleeding, what are you working on?" he asks, rubbing his cheek and wrapping his arms around my middle.

"Oh, nothing important. Just something I had an idea for."

"It sounds amazing."

"You heard it?" I ask, blushing, and he nods, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He rests his chin on the top of my head, and holds me even closer.

"You ready for bed? I'm tired," I yawn, and he nods, burying his nose in my hair.

"I love you," he says randomly, and I smile, hugging him tightly.

"I love you, too. So much."

This May Take Some Time and Effort. [Fall Out Boy/Patrick Stump fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now