Chapter Six-But Tonight I Need You to Stay

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   "ANDY! JOE!" I shout, kneeling over Patrick. I hear running footsteps behind me, and a hand lands on my shoulder.

  "Call Pete." Joe says as Andy dials 911 on his phone. I nod, and quickly call him.

  "Hey, Pete? It's Coraline. Patrick's hurt. He...He got jumped or whatever. We're at the mall, in the parking lot by the Apple Store." I say.

  "WHAT?!" he exclaims. "Does he look like he broke anything?"

   "No, he just got knocked out. Concussion is probably the worst thing that could happen. Just...Hurry up." I say, and he hangs up.

   "Andy, are they sending an ambulance?" I ask.

  "Yeah. I can kind of hear it." he says. I listen closely, and I hear sirens in the distance. I clutch the necklace in my fist, praying that it really is lucky.


  "Andy, I need to leave. I can't have you guys getting hurt because of me." I say, standing up.

  "What? You're not leaving. I just found you, I'm not going to lose you again." he says, following me.

  "Andy, you don't understand. I have to go. They'll stop at nothing to get me-" I'm stopped when a hand grabs mine.

  "Stay." Patrick says, opening his eyes.

  "Oh my God." I mutter, and hug him. "You're okay."

   "Yeah, I'm fine. My head just hurts like a bitch." he says, hugging me back.

   "You have a concussion." I explain, standing back up. "The doctor said they'd discharge you when you woke up, but you'd have to take it easy for today."

   "Okay, Nurse Hurley." he smiles, and a little part of me melts. He's just so cute, and kind, and funny...

   Wait, what?

   "I'll go ask for the papers." Andy says, and walks out.

  I sit in the chair beside the hospital bed, tapping my feet anxiously.

   "I'm sorry." I say after about a minute of silence.

   "For what?" he asks.

   "Well, if it wasn't for me, we wouldn't even be here." I respond.

   "Coraline, don't be like that." he sighs. "A lot of good things have happened since we met. You found your brother, you got the police out looking for your parents, and I fell in love."

   "What?" I ask, and his face goes white.

   "Uh, did I say that out loud?" he stammers, and I grin, saying "Yeah, you did."

  "Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that-"

   "Patrick. Calm down." I laugh. "I think I fell in love with someone as well."

    "Is it that guy at the Apple Store? Because I noticed you looking-"

"No stupid, it's you." I say, kissing his cheek. He goes red, and I laugh. I stand back up, and walk out to check on Andy. As soon as I open the door though, the Terrible Three topple in.

  "Were you eavesdropping?!" I ask.

   "Yes." Andy says.

  "No." Joe lies.

  "Maybe." Pete shrugs.

  "Get up." I say, rolling my eyes. "Andy, did you get the discharge papers?"  He hands me the papers, and I get Patrick to sign them. Just then, the doctor walks in.

  "Well Mr. Stump, you're free to go, just take it easy." he says, and Patrick nods. "You're lucky this young lady knows how a hospital works." he winks, and walks out.

  "What?" he asks, and I roll my eyes, saying "Later."

   I help him up, since he's still a bit dizzy, and hold his hand as we walk out. Pete drove Patrick's car back to the apartment before coming here, so Pete gets into his car while the rest of us get into Andy's. I sit in the back with Patrick, just to make sure he's alright.


Okay guys. Chapter Seven is fucking up, and it's BEHIND this chapter now, right after Chapter Five. I can't figure out how to fix it, and it's driving me insane. Sorry guys!

Btw, Patrick is 23 in this book. Yes, I do realize that he was 10 when FOB was started. He was a very ambitious child, ok? Mind ya own self.

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