My Alice

877 51 4

"Run faster!"
I ran, panting, pain stabbing into my sides.
"There's no time, run!"
"I'm trying." I shouted.
The voice didn't hear me.
I was alone. I had stopped running, looking around me.
My surroundings looked strange.
Everywhere, plants and flowers I had never seen, growing higher than 3 ft. tall.
A small broken path disarrayed, leading into all sorts of directions.
There was a post with arrows pointing to numerous destinations.
'Mad Hatter's Tea-pots'
'Not this way'
'Turn around'
'White Rabbit hill'

Amy, standing in front of the signpost, looking confused in striped stockings and a frilly dress.
"Which road do I take?"

"Where do you want to go?" A voice said.
Amy looked around, slightly startled by the sudden company.
She looked above and saw a blue-tinged-with-purple-coloured cat.
The cat was smiling very widely, baring its big talking teeth.

"I don't know." Amy admitted, she had no clue where she was, nor where she wanted to go.
"Well, then it really doesn't matter which road you take, does it?"

"I suppose." Amy agreed.

"Just head wherever your feet take you, just don't forget to use your head."
The cat laughed and smiled and started to fade away.
"No! Don't go, I don't want to be alone..."

The pathway started to change and misshaped into a crooked line.
Amy followed the path, it started to look like a driveway.

A grey house started to come into vision.
Amy walked up the steps of the old rotten porch.
An old invitation was pinned on the front door.
The ink was nearly readable.
Amy squinted her eyes, she read:
"M4d h tt r'  Tea P-rty"

The door creaked open.
A bleak hallway was visible, a writing desk placed in the corner.
"Don't just stand there gawping, come in, Alice."
Amy stepped inside the house, the roof was gone. The living room looked like a garden. The table was lined with linen cloth, cups and teapots covered the spaces in between the plates on the table.

The long table had 6 chairs, 2 on each side and two at the heads.
Amy jumped at the feeling of two hands on her shoulders.
She didn't dare look who was touching her.
She closed her eyes, when we opened them again, she was sitting in a chair.
Across from her two girls smirked and looked at Amy.

"Happy you could join us, Alice."
The girl on the left said, she was dressed in a blue dress with ruffles, her gold/brown hair was long and curly.
She wore white gloves up to her elbows, her lips were red and her eyes were dressed up. Her cheeks were hollow and blushed red.
She looked like a doll.

Amy looked at the girls. "Who are you?"
The doll answered first: "I'm Ana also know as the white rabbit because of my pale skin. You followed me down the hole remember, Alice?"
"And I'm Mia the Hatter." The girl next to Ana spoke. She wore a red tailcoat and vest, her hair was wild and teased. It seemed her brown tall hat held her hair in its place.

"Where am I?" Amy asked the girl.
"Gosh, you're so forgetful, Alice.
How can you forget? You come for tea every Sunday. Or was it Saturday, Mia?"
"I thought it Sunday, sister." 
Ana poured the tea roughly into the cups, she spilled multiple times.
"Did you buy tea-biscuits, Ana?"
"No, sis. Remember we don't eat."
"I forgot, my brain is so scattered."

"Why don't you eat?" Amy asked.
The girls paused their tea-sipping.
"Really, Alice? You're being very impolite today. It's like you've forgotten you even exist."

Amy felt herself getting more confused, she stopped asking for a minute and sipped her tea.

"You could've gotten biscuits, Ana."
"No, you would've thrown them up anyway. It's no use. It'd be a waste."

"You are making me curiouser and curiouser." Amy spoke.
The sisters laughed.
"Why, Alice, don't be so strange. We're all mad here. Don't act like you're not."

"Why do you keep calling me Alice?"
"Because, you're Alice, and this is your wonderland."
Ana gestured to the house and themselves.
"We're your real home."
"Your escape from reality." Mia added.

Amy smiled, she did indeed feel at ease in this strange place.
She had no reasons, but a feeling of kindness she had felt from this house and the sisters.

"Dear fragile Alice, will you never stop dreaming? Will you ever go back to reality? Will you ever be able to eat normally? Will you ever feel confident and happy in the real world? Why don't you stay here, with us? This could be your real home, we're all thin here, stay with the mad hatter and the rabbit and the writing desk."

Another voice had talked to me, it wasn't Ana or Mia.
Rose stroke my head:
"Stay here, this house may be death, but it will be your home. Just like it is mine, dear Amy."

"Sweet dreams"
They whispered to me.
I slept deep and dreamt about my wonderland.

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