Maiora Premunt

783 38 1

"Disappearing is equal to running away, you know."
My head snapped to the deep voice of a boy. Logan.
My breath staggered. "Hi, you scared me for a second." I tried to mask my relieved sigh with a smile.
I thought it was Evan.

Logan's POV
Rick handed me another beer.
People were streaming in through the front door. The house filled with teens.
"This is bad bro.." I murmured to Rick.
"Relax, we've got all day tomorrow to clean. It'll be like none of this ever happened."
He smiled stupidly.
He always gets away with shit like this and I always get dragged into the mess..

Everyone was already drinking way too much.
I recognised Evan and Yumi coming into the room.
Who is that girl next to them? Never seen her before. She's damn pretty.
Rick saw me looking at her.
"Make a move bro." He teasingly hit my shoulder.
I just gave him a vexed glare.

They were heading towards us.
Yumi smiled. "Hey guys, rad party."
Evan and Yumi kept talking to Rick and me. I was hearing them, but stopped listening. My eyes kept fixating on the girl.
There's something about her.
I couldn't help smiling. I finally held out my hand.
"Hi there, I'm Logan."
She looked perfectly out of place.
"Hi, I'm Amy."
Her cat ears were crooked, she looked adorable, imperfect, fragile and sweet.

Later on, people were drunk off their ass.
I grabbed Rick by his shirt: "Just so we're clear, I'm not clearing up any vomit."
He assured me I wouldn't have to, something told me I'm going to have to clean it anyway.

I scanned the room. I lost track of Amy.
The last time I saw her, she was alone, Evan had just walked away and left her standing there. Man, if that was me, I wouldn't leave my girlfriend alone like that. jerk.

I got dragged into some stupid game. Rick was soaking up the attention of the room, as always.
I glanced through the room.
My eyes fixed on the nearly invisible girl, fighting the crowds to get through the room.
She looked my way. She can't be looking at me.
She headed upstairs.

I took another sip of my beer.
Maybe she wants to be alone. My mind was trying to stop my body, but I was already walking up the stairs.

The door to my bedroom was open.
She must've gone in there.
A girl in my bedroom.

Puffs of smoke lifted up from the balcony outside. She let out deep long breaths.
Her head pointed to the sky. She looked peaceful and lonely.

"I wish I could disappear into this cold, brightness of the stars."
Her words sounded heavy, it felt like I was listening to her secrets.
Her voice was soft.

I didn't mean to intrude, but I did:
"Disappearing is equal to running away, you know."
My mouth had moved before I could think.

She looked guilty, like somehow I caught her doing something bad.
"I'm sorry if I startled you." I apologised.
"No, of course not. I should be saying sorry. I'm probably not even supposed to be up here."

Others would've walked back downstairs. I could see she didn't want to leave.
"That's okay, it's quiet here."
"Yeah it is." Her voice trailed off, slipping back into her thoughts. I wondered what her mind was thinking.
"Normally I don't let people into my room." I smiled, trying to daze her out of her gloominess.
My head nicked towards the bedroom.
"Is that your room?" She wondered. "I'm sorry, I really didn't look at anything, I went straight to the balcony."
I smiled at her guilty expression.
"I don't mind." Reassuring her.
"I won't stay long."
She turned her head back to the sky.
I noticed her shoulders shaking.
She's shivering like hell. It's cold outside.

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