Radix malorum est cupiditas

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Logan's POV
I grabbed Amy's hand and walked towards the drinks.
"I wouldn't try the punch." I warned her, I knew those shitheads probably put every kind of alcoholic drink in there.
"No, I'm staying far away from that punch." She said.

The loudness of the music made it nearly impossible to have a conversation. Sometimes I'd lean in close to Amy to talk into her ear. She smelled sweet. I caught myself staring at her lips one too many times.
I really want to kiss her.

Amy's POV
Every so now and then Logan would lean in close to my ear to say something.
The distance was quite small between our lips. I blushed when I caught myself staring at his face. His chin and lips were perfect. They seemed soft and strong.
He was almost teasing me by standing so close that my skin turned to goosebumps and nerves rattled inside me. He didn't make any further moves.
"Yet, we hope to get some kissing action missy."
"Those calories aren't going to burn themselves."

Logan introduced me to quite some people. Though he didn't leave my side. Which made me happy, I'd be like a lost pup without him.
I was quite careful with the amount of drinks I had. However Logan seemed to really loosen up, though he was far from drunk.
When a good song, came on Logan grabbed my hand.
"Come on, let's dance."
I snorted at the thought of the popular Logan dancing. He didn't wait for a reaction, he pulled me close and swung me around multiple times.
Either the music was, or our dance moves were, horribly out of tempo.
I couldn't help but laugh loudly at the scene we were in.
The people around us seemed to fade away. Just us, acting like little kids.

Though moments of bliss never seem to last long with me. My head was drastically pounding because of the music and spinning around, most likely the lack of food plays the main character.
I clung to Logan's chest, my hands bracing my balance.

"Are you okay?"
His hands overlapped my hands against his chest.
I wasn't okay.
I haven't been okay for too long.
So I can be not- okay for a while longer.

"Yeah. I'm good, just got a bit dizzy." I smiled, but squinted my eyes. It hurt when I opened them while everything was still spinning around me.
I kept my eyes half closed, though I felt Logan leading me away from the dance floor.
It felt like we were walking up some stairs.
When I sat down on the bed, the black spots in my eyes slowly started fading away.
The bedroom was dark, my eyes loved the darkness.

Logan sat next to me on the bed.
After my senses returned to normal, my heart started pounding.
I'm alone with Logan.
Those lips of his started to unravel me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable and breathless at the same time.
The urge to grab his neck and kiss him grew loudly.

"Feeling better?"
This was a dangerous answer. I stared at him, those lips. I didn't feel like answering, so the urge to do something else concurred me.
I chuckled awkwardly.
"Yeah." I managed to get out, while leaning in slowly and hesitatingly.
I'm not sure if this is smart.
"You like him, he seems interested, just kiss him, stupid girl."

I locked eyes with Logan. Compared to him, I seemed way more of a nervous mess. My breathing was jagged. It felt like my cheeks were burned up and my mind was blank.

Logan leaned in, our lips touched and a feeling of passion implored to be noticed.
Our lips were both wanting.
The kiss was intense. I placed my hand on the back of his neck. He placed his on my hips.
We stayed like that for a while, though it felt like seconds.

Eventually, he wrapped his strong arms around me and gently lifted me on his lap.
My head felt a rush.
This is going too fast.
"It's just making out, scaredy cat."

Sweet calorie burning make out.
I had to catch my breath, pulling away and resting my forehead against his, we both let out a small laugh of happy relief.
Sitting on his lap made it quite awkward, but his smile relaxed me.

I glanced my eyes past his shoulder to the clock.
1:33 am.
"Shit is it that late?"
Logan jerked his head toward the clock.
"What time did you have to be home."
I looked at him and laughed. "1 am."

His arms wrapped around me and he stood up with me hanging on his arms and hips.
"Well let's get you home then, princess."
I laughed. "put me down!"
He obeyed, pushed me against the wall and kissed me again.
This time he was teasing me, he knew that would make me want more.

Hand in hand we walked downstairs, Logan grabbed his keys and drove me home.
In front of the house, we kissed some more.
"To be continued." He whispered and kissed my head sweetly.

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