Chapter |1|

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I wake up to my phone ringing. "Ughh" I said reaching over to answer it. Hello?, I asked and revealing their voice was my best friend jojo.
"Hey man, what you on? He asked.
"Shit you just woke me up so what? I asked getting out of bed and turning on the tv.
"You got any plans today or nah? I'm guessing his girl Kia dragging him to do something he don't want to, that's whenever he ask me do I have plans.
Nope why? I asked looking confused.
"Because Tonight Kia ass dragging me to a fashion show to see her friend and imma need you to come.
Umm... I mumbled scratching my head. "I guess I'll go just to holla at some fine girls.
He took a deep breath "here you going playing with emotions.
I laughed and said " yea I guess you can say that.
" whatever bro but I gotta go now. He said and I heard Kia in the back.
"Aight man. I laughed then hung up.

I sat up thinking... Damn I'm one lonely mother fucker. I ain't got nobody to cuddle with at this moment. But I'm good, I might just bring some girl from the fashion show back here tonight for fun. I got in the shower so I could go grab me some food. Once I got out I just slipped on anything looking like a bum.. Don't care. I made it outside of my hotel and was attacked paparazzi.

"Hey Chris your seeing anyone new yet!?
"Your on your way to your girlfriend house? He laughed & all I did was ignore.
I got in the car and Anyways... On with my day.

I know it's short but..
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