Chapter |11|

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I woke up and didn't see Chris laying next to me. I looked all over his apartment for him and never found him. I got out my phone and called him doe.
"Hello" he answered
' hey where you at? I asked worried.
"Don't worry I just ran with jojo to the store"
"Him and Kia alright?
' yea they back on good terms! I swear they ass bipolar' he said and we both laughed.
"Well when you go be back I'm hungry as hell"
' I forgot it wasn't that much food left, but I'm go be gone for some hours..
"Hours!? Forget it ill just go grab something.
"Ok then" he said.
Well bye muuah! I kissed into the phone.
"Bye baby" he did the same and laughed. I hung up.

"I got to go get one more bag" jojo said and ran downstairs to the car.
Aye Kia? I called her.
"What nigga? She said and rolled her eyes.
' don't start but where you been at yesterday?
None of your business damn" she said with all seriousness
"Damn ok... Cause jojo thought you were cheating on em"
"wasn't nobody cheating  I can't hang with my ex...
"How long has he been your ex? I asked being Nosey.
" we broke up 3 years ago!
Oh.. So now all of the sudden yawl getting back close" i said.
' why is that yo business? She said walking off.
"Cause jojo my bro and I don't want him out here getting played by a bitch!
She stopped and turned around! I really didn't mean to say that, it slipped out.
"Nigga did you just call me a bitch" she said coming closer.
' I ain't mean to but o well I did" I said in a serious voice.

Out of no where she started cursing me out I wasn't really paying attention to her annoying ass but the last part I really heard since it had something to do with the night me & rita got into it.

"The fuck you just say? I asked looking into her eyes.
"You heard me I pretended to be drunk so I could have sex with you" she said.
"And you call rita yo best friend but you sat there sober as hell watching her cry that night. I walked closer to her but jojo came in.
"Aight bro we good" jojo said.
" I think I need to leave before I lose it" I said and they both stared.
' what you mean, what just happened' he asked.
" you and Kia need to talk, I just found out a lot" I said and walked out.

I got straight in my car and drove off. I was in a rush to get to rita house, I couldn't believe her so call friend pretended to be drunk just cause ha ass wanted sex with ME! That's bullshit. I hope rita believe me doe.

Rita 10:03 pm
I just got out the shower and was comfortable in bed until I heard a loud bang on my front door. I put on my robe and house shoes and ran downstairs since the knocking got louder. I looked through the peek hole and saw Chris.

"What's wrong with you? I asked and kissed him.
" I got something to tell you?
What? I said nervously.
" it's about Kia"
I rolled my eyes "did her and jojo finally break up?
"Nah.. You remember that night yawl walked in on us?
' I was trying to forget it.
"Well Kia wasn't really drunk. She was pretending. Chris said clenching his jaw.
What do you mean? I said stepping closer to him.
She pretended to be drunk so she could have sex with me! I said.
"Really? She asked and I saw the hurt look in her eyes.
Yea baby! I said hugging her as she started to fight tears.
"I-I thought she was my best... My best friend" she kept crying
"I did to" i pulled her head up to mine and looked into her big brown eyes.
"Baby you have to watch who your real friends are, I feel even worse now since I no she wasn't really drunk. That's not right. It fucked up what she did but now since I no what was really up let's just forget it, you still got me, toya & even jojo. I said and kissed her softly.
"Thanks baby, you right. But I guess I'll never trust her again" she said kissing me.

I then took her up to her room and laid her down. She slowly drifted off to sleep all peaceful. I was still up thinking about how she's feeling about this.

Chris 2:05 am
I woke up to rita sitting on the edge of the bed laughing loudly. I guess she was talking to Toya loud mouth ass XD.

"Um rita.." I said chuckling.
"Oh did I wake you up? She asked still laughing.
"Yea obviously" I said and scotched up to her back kissing her neck.
"Chr-chris what you doing? She said holding in a soft moan.
"Nothing just warming you up" I said still kissing her.
'Toya I'll call you in the morning" she said and then hung up.
"I see what you doing" rita said turning around kissing me.
"Yea I tried to get you off the phone! Now come back to bed" I brung her closer.
She laid with her ass against my manhood as I held her tight, she was warm as hell and next thing you know we both dozed off.

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Is it good :/
Now we see Kia true colors..!
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