Chapter |18|

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(1 week later)
Me, Chris & jojo all came over Toya house were just now letting them know about me being pregnant. 
"Best friend!" Toya yelled then hugged me.
"Can we come in or nah" Chris said.
"Obviously the door is open for a reason" we laughed then walked in.
Chris sat in the comfortable chair then I sat on his lap and he rapped his arms around me, he always holding me.
'Why yawl look so suspicious? Jojo asked staring at us.
We got some news yawl! Chris said.
What is it? Toya asked.
"I'm having Chris baby!
Your pregnant? Toya said jumping out her seat.
"Yea it's about time. Chris said smirking.
Jojo got up patting Chris "Aw shit my bro growing up!
Chris laughed "You right"
Boy or girl? Toya asked.
We don't know yet. I said rubbing my stomach.
"Girl you gone get big" Toya said giggling.
Chris saw that look on Rita's face.
"Please don't tell her that, she gone whine all day" he laughed.
"Ok sorry"

Later that night..
"Ohh..ah" Rita moaned.
I continued to lick her wet clit.
"Wait, Chris stop.. I'm gone cum! She said gripping the sheets.
I came up to her lips and tongue kissed her as she came on the bed.
"Didn't mean to turn you on, I just got bored" I said and laughed.
She pulled her panties back up "whatever you knew what you was doing.
I sat on the bed as she went to the bathroom. I was checking my Instagram and then my agent called me.
"Wassup? I answered
"Chris, you didn't forget you start tour Saturday right? He asked.
I smacked my forehead "shit! I'm glad you called I did forget doe"
"Well start packing because Saturday will be here in a blink of an eye"
"How long is the tour?
He paused "um it's just a month"
"Oh okay well thanks for reminding me"
'No problem' he hung up.
"Aye rita! I yelled
She came out "yea?
"I forgot to tell you but I leave for tour on Saturday'
She pouted "what..? How long?
"I'm sorry bae & it's only for a month"
'Oh.. 'She came and laid on me.
I could tell from how she responded she was sad.
"Do you want to come on tour with me? I asked rubbing her back.
'No you just go. I don't want to be a distraction.
"You'll never be a distraction" I said kissing her cheek. "You sure you dont wanna come?
"I'm sure, I'll just stay here & have Toya keep me company"

Saturday Morning..
Chris was leaving tour today and I was so sad but also happy for him. I helped him bring his things down to the tour bus. And of course paparazzi surrounded us.
"I guess that's all my stuff" he grinned at me.
I giggled "come here!" He held my face and kissed me while the paparazzi cheered"
'Nice one Chris' one of them said.
I'm go miss you baby! He said holding my hand tight.
"I'm gonna miss you too" I hugged him.

We stood there for like 10 minutes just hugging, holding hands and kissing then he got on his bus. He wanted me to go inside the building before he pulled off doe. His tour bus drove out the parking lot onto the Main Street as the paparazzi walked off. I got back upstairs and my phone kept buzzing. I checked it and me & Chris name was mentioned in so many reports. "Is Chris brown & rita ora expecting a baby?" "Rita Ora Baby bump" I swear they be quick with gossip. I didn't even know you could see the baby bump really.
"Let me see the tweet" Toya said and grabbed the phone.
See this the picture, my stomach is getting big" I said
"Stand up" Toya said.
I stood up as she stared at my stomach from different angles.
"yea it's getting there" she said in excitement.
"Me & Chris didn't want everybody els to know yet" I said sitting down.
"Does chris even know they know?
'I don't know.
'Well call him then.
Ok" I got my phone and dialed his number, I waited for him to answer.
He answered "I only been gone for 3 hours and you already miss me? He chucked.
"No that's not why I called" I giggled.
Oh then wassup?
"Are you getting tagged in any reports?
'I really don't have internet connection out here now'
"Oh well they caught the baby bump"
'Your stomach Is growing? He asked I could tell he was smiling.
'Yea sort of' I said
"Well they know your my girl, and they gone find out your pregnant. It's not suppose to be a secret for long because I'm going to confirm it in my interviews eventually" he said.
I smiled a little "your right"
"Ugh my phone about to die, i'll call you later I love you"
Ok I love you too" I said then we both hung up.
"Well what did hey say? Toya asked.
"Just know he's going to confirm everything in his interviews"
She hugged me "Aww yawl dealing with this so well, can't wait till the baby is here""
"Yea me either" I said smiling.

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