Chapter |13|

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I stood in front of Kia with her bags "I found out a lot about you" I said.
"Um baby what you talking about?"
"Don't act dumb, I know you had sex with Chris on purpose"
She stood there shock "Who told you? She asked
'Don't worry I just want to no why? & rita suppose to be yo friend! You was that thirsty?
"I was never thirsty! She said rolling her eyes.
"Then why'd you do it? I sat the bags down.
"I dunno"
"Well go figure it out with the Nigga you been creeping with" I threw her bags outside.
"What the hell jojo? She ran after them.
I slammed the door and lock it! She won't be getting back in here. Can't believe I got played, but why all this happening since rita and Chris started dating?

So I guess jojo found out, I really don't care anymore. I put my bags in my trunk and drove off so I could go to Tyson house. He's my ex but he's the only one that seems to care about me still. We broke up a couple years back because he was still InLove with his best friend even doe they never dated so he never payed me any attention, he got other girls pregnant and forced them into getting abortions, I couldn't be around someone like that. He's the one I been out with these past days but we haven't did anything so it isn't a big deal.

Tyson's house..
Hey, what you doing up here? He asked me opening the door.
"I needed somewhere to go" I said pouting my face.
'Well come in its hot as hell out here! He let me in.
I sat on the couch "I guess me & jojo are threw"
"Why you say that? He laughed.
I made a straight face! "He thought I was cheating on him & he found out something.
"What did he find out?
"It got nothing to do with you" I said and leaned back.
Mh, well what are you going to do? He asked.
"I dunno"
"Well you know I'm still single" he said rubbing my thighs.
' yea and I know why we broke up'
He made a face like he didn't want me bringing anything up from the past. "Yea ok"

I woke up and saw Chris sitting on the edge of the bed watching the game. I had nothing on but my bra and some pajama shorts. I climbed towards him and stuffed my face into his naked back, he smelled so good.
"You just got out the shower? I asked kissing his back XD.
"Yep I woke up sweaty as fuck" He said and chuckled.
'Oh, well I'm about to go hop in'
Aight hurry up" he said and slapped my ass.
"Ouch" I said laughing.

30 minutes later

"So you got any plans today? I asked Chris playing in his hair while he Laid on my chest.
'Nothing I guess, just gone chill. How about you?"
"Damn I almost forgot, I got a shoot today. I said jumping up.
'I wanna come with you" he said grabbing my waist.
Ok well come on" I said pulling him up.
We got out the house In no time. I always get excited when Chris comes to my photo shoots, he makes me feel comfortable. 

Back at Tyson's house..
"You want some to eat? Tyson asked me
'I ain't know you knew how to cook' I laughed
"Um I can't but I got some frozen pizzas in here" he said smirking.
"Ok whatever but where's your bathroom?
Upstairs, it's two doe it's one on the left & one on the right"
'K i'll be back" I said running upstairs.

I got upstairs to the bathroom on the left and shut the door. I looked up and noticed a collection on his wall. This was so creepy, I saw so many pictures of Tyson and rita just spreading across the bathroom walls. For some reason I opened the shower curtain and saw the most biggest picture of rita just glowing.  He must be a really big fan of her to meet her this many times, they looked too friendly doe. I was done and got back downstairs, I didn't mention anything doe.

"So ya ready to make the pizzas? He said.
"Um.. Yep" I said with a fake smile.

Rita's Photo shoot
"I'm so tired" rita said and sat on lap laying her head on mines.
I chuckled "who you telling"
"I only got a few more pictures then we can leave" she said kissing me.
Ok well gone head' I said and watched her get back to work.
10 minutes later.
'Chris you wanna get in these last pics with me?' rita asked winking at me.
"Yea... I would love to" I got up and grabbed her & took over.
We took more pictures then we were suppose to. All our pictures was great but the last one we took was the best one. I picked her short ass up and we slowly kissed. Everybody in there was smiling at us.
"I love you" I said to her.
"I love you too, now let's go home" she rubbed my chin.

Was this good? :)
I'm still stuck on Tyson :/
Anyways comment & fav
Thanks <3
Stay tuned :)))

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